Monday, December 9, 2019

hejola report for 12092019

Hejola report for 12092015/2019.


Kingsville,Texas. hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news;

Barrio prepare for more terrorist and problems.

Ten men and women and some farm animals arrested.

Rent animals for Christmas Nativity closed down.

And now some maybe good news.

Look don’t be surprise if someone goes and steal your Christmas décor, but let’s hope que if they do, they put them to good use!

There was so much going on with folks trying to save those animals at the Rent a Pet for a day que they had to shut down for a while until el constable could run off a chit load of animal right activists from their city lots somewhere near third and Wells Street. One of the leaders told us que animals should have the same rights as people do, look if they are allowed to vote here why not have the right not to participant in this traditional programs. Hey maybe they don’t want to do this anymore? No one was arrested but were asked to more or else.

Yesterday at the annual Barrio and Hood Christmas parade ten men and women and some of their farm animals were arrested while attending to free some of the chickens, pigs, ducks, real reindeer, sheep, lambs and little squirrels, camels, donkeys and some horses, cows, and pet birds used on the floats. The constable told us que he wasn’t real sure why this folks believe that there is something wrong on having these animals during Christmas. Charges will be filed. One protester told que they were told to go somewhere else, well we did.

Now that we have pasted one holiday, we are preparing for a few more in the next few weeks. That is why our constable Cadena has again giving out warnings to all the barrio members about relatives coming to visit like it or not. He has mention before que the holidays always bring those relatives that we hate so much but have no choice but to accept them with open hearts and warm loving. So again if you think you need the extra protection during the next few weeks let him know so he can assign a special home security officer?

Ok raza have a great Tejano day

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

hejola report for 12042019

Hejola report for 12092013/2019.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again, now a few words from our new correspondent ; I am Maria Malone Baloney, hello raza. Now for our award winning barrio headline news:

Mariachi band members shot and some will survive.

La posada parade riot over weekend.

And finally some good news.

The barrio welcome wagon has announced that it will keep on accepting pets that people don’t want any more at the corner of third and wells. The welcome wagon folks tell us que the home owned by Tina V which is by the way surrounded by at least 150 persons, 24 hours a day have agreed to care for this poor unwanted pets.

Late Saturday evening a mariachi band named Sun Shine Mariachi’s were hired to do a late night serenade to a family living in a big barrio trailer parker. You and I know that there are some dark spots in the hood if you live in a trailer park and that is the case here. El Mariachi Sun Shine band members were walking around a trailer house that had one of the darkness spots in the park looking for the address that hired them, but many across the street believe to be men walking around with assault weapons decided to take the first shots at this so call terrorist, killing two of the six band members and wounding at least three more. Once the lights of several mobile homes came on, many noticed that they had fired on this mariachi band. Several park members called 918 and a chit load of police surrounded the trailer park. More details late this week.

This past weekend was the annual La Posada parade held along the most beautiful street on our side of town turned out to be the bloodiest in history. It seems that one of the float drivers ( two tons of fun float, the only Tejano gay bar)  fell asleep and got off the parade route and ran over at least 30 men, women, children, cats, and dogs standing along the side walk. Once the float came to a halt, family members still standing rush the float and pulled now the awaken float driver out of the float and started to beat him up. One of the parents went as far as lighting the float on fire that caused the float sponsors and their staff to run over and help the driver as he was been beaten up, and tried to turn the fire off. Once the barrio volunteer vato locos  fire fighters arrived the fire had already spread to some corner store that started a fired next to the bakery that explored and started a fire across the street. Once the smoke and the fires were turned off, at least 10 stores were either damaged or burned down, not counting the float. Charges are pending on chingos de persons and chingos de charges will be filed.

Ok raza have a great weekend and don’t go downtown in the hood, too much investigations going on. Dang don’t you just love all the excitement going on.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

hejola report for 12032019

Hejola relection report day 12032016/12/032019


Kingsville,tx. Hello again mi raza I am Bill Diaz con today’s awarding winning barrio headline news:

Barrio election party gets busted.

Free food and drinks at the constable re-election party.

And now for some darn good news.

Again we are reminding barrio parents that our barrio social network will not be allowing barrio families to post any pictures of their children under the age of 42. We just want to make sure that we keep our barrio safe.

El constable cadena was so happy that a ton of folks showed up to his re- election party and provide a safe hood for all this pasted few years and had food and drinks. Many there were so impress with his treats that all agreed they were going to vote for him.

Yesterday, both political parties agreed to put “bring out vote party” together for the barrio and hope to get to meet your candidate. Well we all know that it would be impossible when both parties don’t like each other. You see the few candidates that did show up were already all heated up by some of the false statements they each had be making about each other. At one point during the party el constable had already arrested more than ten people and twelve cats and dogs. The constable had to use some tear gas to break up this gathering and cut the event real short. At the very end some folks complaint that the constable had no rights in taking most of the food and drinks and use them as evidence. Oh by the way a ton of farm animals were taken in for questioning.

Ok regardless how dumb or smart one is let’s not vote for the same persons that having done a darn thing different since they won the last time