Friday, May 22, 2009

barrio stock market report for 05222009

barrio stock market and realtors report for 05222009.
Kingsville,tx. Once again como estan raza, I am urbano yosabatodo, Si its Friday and the end is near.
Now for our barrio report:
Las tortillas: Well la tortilla war of 2005 has not move either this way or that way and continues to see a slow start in rehiring barrio members that got layoff a few months ago. “Las tortillas in a can” own by a gringo company from across the tracks sales have increase at least 3 percent says ceo/ged/abe/esl/ Don Miller. Oh yea them folks over there are sure eating them tortillas. Las tortillas ended the week at $1.25 a dozen.
Las empanadas: Las empanada consumer has not or even made an effort to confront those business that sell their empanadas at an over rated price, but state que son fresh. Those claiming que their empanadas are better than those over there, have shown an increase of 18.5 percent. What type of an attitude should barrio consumers get watching this companies increase the price of empanadas when actually are filled with less filling. Las empanadas ended the week at $.69 cents each and that cup of coffee is extra. Las empanadas ended the week at $.57 cents each.
Los taquitos: Los taquitos board of consumer here in our hood have demonstrated que the price of taquitos has plummeted down to as low one has seen in a long time. There are several reasons why says manuel Gonzales a barrio consumer. Si now que there are more than ten taco stands in the hood its better for all of now. Todos estos want our business but realize que they have to lower the price of taquitos. Tejano tacos one new barrio taco small restaurant is leading the way in doing this by dropping the price to $.99 cents each and a free cup of coffee. This has really effected other larger taco stands and barrio restaurants, which tell us que its declined on sells has been around 10 percent up to 15 percent in some cases. Los taquitos ended the week at a very stable price of $1.45 cent each.

Los tamales: Los tamales have plummeted up to $7.00 a dozen, and Christmas not even here. Consumers are being warrant que los tamales are on the rise and if you are aware of anyone or any place selling them cheaper I would buy them now and freeze for later. Los tamales ended the week at $6.00 a dozen.
La barbacoa de cabeza: La barbacoa de cabeza has had consumer real excited here in the hood. Since the day que we mention que llamas will be the new beef in the hood for the future, the employment picture looks real good. While those that claim que there are no jobs and our hood unemployment rate is at its lowest of 22 percent ( please note this number is based on our block alone). But we see it different, now que las llamas will create plentiful of jobs here in the hood. From the farm to the slaughter house, somewhere down that chain we need people says el senor rubio owner of our new llama rancho in the edge of the hood. La barbacoa de cabeza ended the week at $5.65 a lbs.

Cheap beer: Cheap beer took a small jump up to $3.70 a six pack. But beer consumers really don’t mind now que many are staying home.
Well raza there you have it and now for our realtor report. Our hood has had a large number of apartments vacant. Many of the barrio owners of this apartments or homes don’t live here in town or live across the tracks. In most cases many owners hired or let folks that live in their apartments manage them and all the owner does is pick up the rent. Many complaints have been filed against this owner in que the folks they leave in charge don’t do the work needed to keep this apartments or homes up to standards.
From missing water heaters to stolen air conditioners have been reported and most of these items have been stolen from realities of those in charge.
Well raza there you have, and remember if you can’t eat it don’t buy it.

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