hejolia report for 08262009.
Kingsville,tx. Now con el barrio headline news General Fideo vermicelli, olay once more time, we are here waiting to get an update on our los tres staff missing staff in Athens, Greece. We have not got word neither from the missing three nor bill diaz y el ojo barrio private eye.
Now for the headline news for today;
Barrio street lights are replaced,
Barrio constable trying to solve several robberies during this weekend,
And drug bust at housing project.
El barrio housing security officers arrested one person and released seven on a cocaine bust. It seems que several persons were smoking weed at the pool area and someone called the el barrio housing security.When they arrived they found an unauthorized pool party going on. On their search of the beer and other stuff not allowed in the pool area, one officer found 68 little packets of cocaine.
One woman was arrested and the others were released. It seemed que none of the persons that got busted, weren’t residents of the housing projects.
Further news, El local constable is seeking barrio members help on solving this weekend of three home robberies. It seems que this folks knew what they were doing says the elected constable. The items that were stolen, were fishing robs, lawn movers, several bikes, several thousands of feet of water hoods, and two t.v’s and several stero
The good thing about this crime say el constable que todo las cosas were marked and should be easy to recover.
And finally el barrio founding fathers and mothers were honored today con the replacement of four street lights in the hood. The lights were replaced by the city fathers of both sides of the tracks. We still need at least several thousands to be replaced and hope que el hood will be under bright lights at night again.
With hope and we will see what happens.
Ok raza there you have it and how about them san anto boys little league team. Y que viva Mexico also.
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