Wednesday, October 21, 2009

the art pf giving awards 2009

Exclusive con Veronica “the art of giving awards” 2009.
Kingsville, TX. Hello my lady friend and how are we doing, I am your nightmare Veronica la lesbian. I have been given the task of doing research on this very important topic “the art of giving awards”?
In order to tackle this question we first need to know what an award is?
Awards are industrial instruments that provide workers with minimum protections and are continue to be an important tool for providing minimum entitlements and conditions such as sick leave, long service leave and fero awards and good deeds awards.

Now the numbers of different types of awards have different types of criteria and they can include different conditions. But the real issue is why do we have to give awards/

My of us, have gotten some kind of award and I am sure many have not. But lets say that you have 10 children, now is that an award? Hell,yea.
So the bottom line is awards are not important and I am sure many us wish we had gotten but in reality it really don’t matter. What is more important is that you are in good health and happy.
So for all those that that strive on working real hard to get that piece of paper with your name on it and the honor you got, great for you , now go get yourself a cheap frame and hand in your wall and when you move on, I am sure it will be stash in some box and label awards.

I am veronica la lesbian, but what do I know I am just make believe.

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