Hejolia report for 03302010.
Kingsville,tx. Now that man that dresses like a woman behind closed doors here is David duran.
Heaveno raza, Come on man give me a break, now for the headline news:
Barrio constable arrests gringo man for trespassing and shooting dog,
Brain injury vato arrested for threaten persons at mall and rubbing unknown objects on the ground,
And finally barrio residents build mini racetrack in their back yard.
Yesterday afternoon, el constable along con several law enforcement agents raided los canales wetland mini-bmx-raced track that was craved into los canales wetland behind their home. It seems que they were operating this racetrack without a permit or need insurances in case someone got hurt. In addition to this several barrio residents were complaining about the noise it had created. Once the law enforcement agents advise the canales about this illegal track, he and several of his family members went over to his neighboring apartment complex and began knocking on doors wanting to know who called the police.
La seniora Martinez who lives in that complex, was very frighten by los canales family members, they were very aggressive and verbally abusive and she was very concerned for her safety and the well being of others there. The constable once again returned to the canales home and talked to him and his friends. Mr. canales said he wouldn’t be banging on doors again, but did say que he would continue to use his racetrack just for personal use. The constable said que he would continue to patrol the hood to make sure que the noise level is within the limits.
A few weeks ago we reported que a Anglo operated tour company had added to their site the biggest mesquite tree in the county on their sites to visit. It so happens que this tree is in the hood. Well this weekend a member of the tour bus, jumped out of the bus as it prepared to leave the site. He jumped the fence and trespassed into the private property. At the same time he shot the watch dog “spot” con a dart gun. As he approached the tree witness say que he pulled out an ax and yelled out loud que he was going to chop down the tree. But before he even started several passengers on the tour bus tackled the man and held him down until the constable got there. Constable cadena along con several lalaland employees load the man into the constable’s car and was taken to a mental health facility across the tracks.
And finally if think couldn’t get worse, as the constable was driving el gringo across the track, he got a call from the from the mall que a vato who is known for having a brain injury was reported to be threatening people at the Westinghouse barrio mall parking lot con a water gun and telling them que he was going to shoot ten or twenty of them as they shop. It was also reported que he was also rubbing a rubber hoe on the ground and telling people to stick up their nose. Once the constable got there and arrested the man, he was also taken to mental health facilities across the tracks along con el gringo in the same car.
Well raza there you have it for today, have a great day and que viva la raza.
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