Friday, January 28, 2011

interview con D.J. JAMMIN J. AKA THE MIXXMASTER 2011

Exclusive interview con D.J. JAMMIN J. aka “ THE MIXXMASTER”
Somewhere in central California. Hello. Santa Maria con on the road again interviews, here pumping my bicycle here in Califas, to do any interview con D.J. JAMMIN J. AND now let’s get to that interview:
Sm: hello Jammin how are you and nice place you have here, can I sit for awhile, kind of tired rode my bicycle up here?
Gracias...It's not much but we manage to get to get by in this house. You could of called when you were in Bakersfield...I could have picked you's on an 80min drive from Parlier, Califas....up and down down Freeway 99!!

SM: can you give tell us how in the world did you get into the DJ business and how long?
Believe it or not....25years! Well I remember when I was very young about 3 or 4 I would listen to music my mom and dad used to listen to. I used to hear them play Los Teranes, Los Donenos, Los Tigres del Norte, Ramon, Chente, Little Joe, ..I could go on...but you get the picture. They used to listen to all this music...for me it was different. I had the rythmn I guess.....watching these groups sometimes on TV learning how the music was made. Loving music I couldn't get enough so they bought me a radio......many radios later...I started listening and I would pay attention to the radio announcer, DJ, radio commercials. I was in love for the way these guys would present the music....or announce this dance....announce new cars and so on. I started imitating these guys....their voices...the way they speak. Well music was all I had a vast knowledge in has grown since then.
Back in like 1984 I used to see these DJ's scratch and blend music....that was the greatest thing I ever seen. I wanted to do that. Well I would mix up all these tapes, records, and voice samples....on the Mickey Mouse equiptment I had put together. Nobody in my family knew I could do this....I was holding back because I was embarrassed. Growing up being the oldest of seven brothers and sister...there was alot of responsabilities...I had the most work. I had to help my parents out alot we used to have a taco truck buisness and I helped out the most.
It wasn't until I was in the 6th grade....there used to be a local DJ his name is Oscar Pena. I used to see him perform at parties. He'd MC on the mic and mixed those records...scratch and do tricks. I wanted to do what he did. I was 11 years old....the rest is history. Maybe when I get older I will write a book on my many adventures on being DJ.

SM: on your website you mention that El Padrino himself asked you to join their network, can you explain what network and who is El Padrino?
Jammin :
The website is like a facebook social network, it is called Conjunto Is Life. El Padrino is the creator of the network. We have about 1,300 members from all over the world. It's a place where you can get to meet conjunto groups, fans, artist, post and see old and pics of Conjunto based events, post events, dances, listen to Conjunto music, and listen to my ConjuntoCast Show and ConjuntazzoMixx Show. El Padrino is an Ambasodor to Conjunto Music, he is from San Antonio and one of the members of the conjunto group "Los Padrinos'. He is one of the nicest guys you can ever talk to. He keeps everyone up to date on Conjunto Is Life. We are hoping to grow even more by encouraging people to join us.....see what Conjunto music is all about. So I encourage everyone who loves Tejano music has got to know Conjunto Music started before Tejano. I love both Conjunto and Tejano.....and I support both.

SM; it seems that you have been doing this for awhile, what has the new technology do for DJ services such as from records to 8track and on ?
It has evolved so much it's hard to keep up. I used to play with 8 track and I hated! Records were easy but I tend to wear needles out like crazy. Cassettes took to long to forward and rewind to the song you wanted. CD's were the ultimate....but will never be better than an old fashioned record. Well now you load all your music on a laptop, MP3 player, or cell phone and plug it into the mixer and you got a portable DJ. It takes the fun out of it because there is no chiste for me to just let the lil gadget do all the work. Now everyone can be a DJ or own their own DJ equiptment, even without having any talent. My lifetime of music knowledge kicks in from here and many people don't know alot of the names or songs....I have like a built-in memory bank for music. So that is my advantage over alot of DJ's. The technology will always evolve and get easier and easier for the mobile DJ, pretty soon there will be a cell phone app that does plays the music and MC's any event based on what the people think the DJ should play so they can dance to. Hahahahaha!!

SM; is there a certain gig that you did you remember the most?
There are so many gigs I have done in my 25 years that I would be here talking forever on things that made a certain gig memorable. But my most memorable will be my first one. It was for my friend Belinda Martinez 15'nera.....her DJ didn't show up and the group needed to take a break. She asked me to DJ for her..I didn't even say a word.........I ran all the way home like 7 blocks, got my music and equiptment and plugged it into the bands system. That was my first gig. I didn't even get paid....she still owes me now that I think of it. I could use some gas money.....or give it to you so you won't ride your bike back home. It's foggy here this time of the might get hit by a car.

SM: what challenge do you have being a DJ on line compare to maybe real radio waves?
There is alot of challenge on's overwhelming. The internet is a an enormous and growing world. There is alot competition.....anyone can do it and radio web sites are popping up daily. Radio waves are losing listeners to sattelite radio and internet radio. They can listen or play to whatever they want that radio waves do not. With the evolution of technology, the way and what we listen to our favorite music, news, shows, and so on....we can take it in our cars, trips, and anywhere we choose to be. Being a radio waves DJ has it's limits, you can olny be heard as far as the radio waves travel some stations broadcast synicated shows that can be heard too on other radio markets....but like I said it goes only as far as the radio waves travel. Web stations can travel with us just about non-stop so we can lock onto them and keep in tune anywhere we go. The DJ challenge is easy, you can do the show from home and broadcast world-wide with out ever having to leave home. It's not easy for someone to make it on the net, there is so much one can listen to or listen to your favorite DJ.

SM: what is the future for tejano music in your opinion?
Tejano/Conjunto music is being overtaken by the Mexican music industry...big labels have the money to have their music played around the clock. So they put all the Tejano and Conjunto music behind and never play it. The Tejano and Conjunto music industry are on small independant label majority of the time, there are a small number of labels that do have the funds, but we can't just depend on them. We need to keep supporting the industry for us to survive. There are new and upcoming artist, bands, musicians, labels...and so on each and every single day. How can people say it's dead when when it is still here....they just are not looking in the right place. The future for Tejano & Conjunto music will keep's branched can it be dead if the elements are there. It might be different...but it's still created from Conjunto. To say it's dead...never! To support the industry we all need to do our part and that's to support the artist, group, support the label, support your local Tejano & Conjunto scene, attend the events, dances, concerts, bug the hell out of your local radio stations to play the music. Tejano & Conjunto music have a big long as we rally together and exposing the music to our younger generation. I don't see what question "What is the furure of Tejano music?"........I see it as the future. As long as there is sangre running thru my veins....Conjunto & Tejano.....I will preach it, play it, support it, and keep exposing it to mas gente. I do my part.....I hope everyone follows the lead others have showed me. Our older generation is slowly leaving us, and we need the keep passing the torch to the younger generation, as i will when I leave. The internet is the best way to catch all this's helping us keep the music alive and exposing it around the world.

SM: what does a professional voice-over do and is there any money in that type of business?
Well I am still trying to find customers...hahaha! Simply I supply the voice for DJ intros, band intros, radio commercials, radio spots, station ID's. The money part is good when I get one, but the difference of what I create for each customer is try to be better each time. My work is quality is different than others I hear. Having mastered the turntables....I can do alot of mixing in a 30 second...sometime more or less into the project. I can speak and announce in rapid I can put alot of words into it. Jajjajajajja. I remember one of my teachers in Jr High told me I talked alot during class.....see her once in a while and tells still talk alot, but you get paid for it. Back to the money hasn't made me rich...still trying to get my voice in a cartoon movie or get a part on "Family Guy"

SM: what suggestions would have for anyone wanting to get into the business?
It's a hard a hard biz to be in. I still try to strive to get more creative. Practice and practice....I never seem to ever stop learning. The one thing is everything I ever learned I learned on my own. I didn't go to a professional school of recording....but I encourage myself to absorb everything I learn everyday.

SM; if asked to speak with a group of young people what encouraging words would you say to them?

Follow your dreams..never give up on them. I haven't achieved yet where I want to be, but I am still trying to reach my goals. I was always told I will never make it, I used that as fuel to drive my ambitions and dreams. I never listened to them. My family keeps me grounded and that helps family supports me and I can never ask them for more. the one thing I will say is stay in school, go to college. The way the economy is right now, we need to better ourselves while you are still young. When we get older it is much more difficult to go back. Even if you don't like school, finish your education. It's the best thing you can do for yourself.

SM ; FINALY is there any thing you would like to share con your fans from around the world:
I didn't know I had fans!! Well I just keep telling them to support Tejano y Conjunto......porque es la musica para siempre. Keep the music alive and expose it to your kids. And join me and El Padrino to help keeping the music alive....join us on Conjunto Is Life social network,and keep listening to my shows....ConjuntoCast Show Y El ConjuntazzoMixx show....on Conjunto Is Life.

SM: well thanks again Jammin, will you push me on my bicycle so I can get back on the freeway?
Sure thing and thanks for your trip making it here to Califas....I can give you a lift as far as Bakersfield....besides it is foggy outside....can't let you ride in the fog.

SM: as I leave sunny California i cant stop thinking on how wonderful the internet has played an important role in keeping la onda alive, I am Santa la que canta Maria.

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