Thursday, October 27, 2011

hejola report for 10272011

Hejola report for 10272011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio store owners close deal con workers.
Two get arrested after announcement made for better benefits.
And finally all 40 or more barrio conjuntos join new barrio union.
After several hours talking con the leaders of the barrio award winning conjuntos, a deal was cut where all 40 or more barrio conjuntos leaders and managers would be required to have health insurances for its all its band members on an annual bases. The cost would be offset by band members would be required to pay a monthly insurance fee. Many are happy now that all the conjunto have come together to solve some of their main issues. We have a long way to go says one of the conjunto leaders but says que he will take the bull by the horn and provide his band members with the insurance company that has agreed to work with them.
Two men and several dogs were taken in when they seems to have cross a line that the constable had laid out before those special meeting held at the center for better workers. Both men and their pets were very upset con the deal that was made without an employee input. Besides that no provisions were made for their pets or family members to benefit from this bull shit deal.
Yesterday at the center for better workers, an office that helps raza get jobs reported yesterday que they had struck a deal con lots of barrio employer in making better benefits for their employees. The some important part of the deal that was made public was that employee would get greater discount on stuff they buy and a chicken at the end of every month, along con cheese and bread. Most of the employees told us que it was better que nothing.
Ok raza have a great day.

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