Barrio stock market report for 10162015.
Kingsville, texas. Hello big spenders como estan todos, I am
urbano yosabatodo con this week’s barrio
stock market, lets’ go to our barrio
stock market report :
Los tamales: the tamale market has hit rock high this week. El
tamale guy tells us que the price will kinda go up now que the weather is
changing. Los tamales ended the week at $10.00 a dozen, hejola.
Los taquitos: los taquitos regardless what kind you like have
remained stable enough to start buying them again. At one time or another the
price was going up and up. But it seems que they have stabilize itself. Los
taquitos ended the week at an all time low of$1.25 cent each. The coffee is
Las empanadas: well as expected the barrio gardeners have all
agreed to keep growing stuff during the winter months in order to keep las
empanadas down in price. Las empanadas ended the week at $.89 cent each, the
highest in months.
la barbacoa de cabeza remained stable this week after news que las
llama farms were going to delay their product, ended the week at $7.50 a lb.
las tortillas: man o man it had been
a while I had gone shopping and didn’t realize que las tortillas had gone up so
high. Las tortillas de corn and flour up , $1.25 to 1.75 a dozen.
Cheap beer: you know it’s real sad when a
person doesn’t have enough to buy a sofa drink but can afford a beer. The point is that beer is cheaper than some
sofa drinks, what is this world coming too. Cheap beer ended the week at $4.95
a six pack.
And now llama meat: well raza la familia rubio
has announced the arrival of llama meat in the hood. It can be found at the
cona Lozano cash and carry sports complex meat market. Llama meat going for $4.45
a lb.
Barrio want ads:
Xd45266: men’s shoes for sale, all sizes make
Sd8756: small kid’s bike for sale, could be
used for smaller folks. Make offer.
Yt78546: air conditions for sale, some work
and some don’t, can be used for parts.
Ty56236: old records: 78,45,331/3 lp. All
kind, some tejano and some benny goodmen era. Make offer.
Barrio realtors report:
Well as you might know by now, that our creator
thinks he know everything needed to know about anything that he knows. That is
why he will have a book out soon “ soy tejano y que”. Why do I post it on here,
because I can. Oh by the way that ocean front property in Ben Bolt is still for
Well folks there you have I am urbano
yosabatodo. And keep it tejano.
ReplyDeleteHejola afternoon report for 10212015.
Kingsville, texas. hello raza I am Bill diaz and a few notes for those want to be Tejanos. Please respect that hat and take it off inside, that is so lack of respect wearing a cowboy hat inside a place, dang man where were you raised in a barn? Now for our award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio auction on line, block our account.
Ten chickens found unclaimed at city pound auction.
And some darn good news.
You see everybody is somebody always want us to be somebody but when your are somebody nobody bothers to tell you that you are somebody. So regardless if you are somebody or nobody, you are somebody to us.
Yesterday the city pound decided que it was time to auction off some of the farm animals, pets and other interesting species that no one had claimed in two years. We just don’t have room any more for some of these animals. We were very lucky and purchased at least 10 chickens that looked familiar. We hope to cook them and sell chicken barbeque plates in order to buy those used shoes my commadre Gonzales has on her back porch.
And finally, la commadre Irma Gonzales decided to open an on line auction for used stuff you might have and want to sell. After a few persons decided to go along were very disappointed with the used merchandize found for sale, suchas but not limited : tamales, 5 year old fruits cakes, used shoes, dresses, pictures of old movie stars and more and other very used stuff. We asked la commadre if all the stuff she was auction was new, she responded by saying “ well almost”. We were block from going on there. Oh well, says this reporter, we been run off from better garage sales sites.
Ok there you have it and be somebody, and have a great Tejano day.
ReplyDeleteHejola report for 10222015.
Kingsville, Texas. hello again I am Fideo Vermicille con today’s award winning barrio headline news, but before we do that we are proud to announce some election information and dang proud of it. Now for our news:
ESTA VATO LOCO wins election, but with controversy.
Lots of election party goers strap it on.
A record number of voters show up in trucks and trailers to vote.
As we mention yesterday que both of these candidates, Esta Vato loco and Russell Rufus Redneck, were holding their victory parties right across the street somewhere down by third and wells street. The constable was summoning to this location several times during the evening to break up several fights and people just plain yelling at each other. El constable had to shut down both parties around 4 a.m. in the morning.
The barrio city clerk told us que this election brought out the most voters ever since in the hood, now that the new voting law allowed you to bring some of your pets to vote, as long as they were registered voters. The clerk told us que the number of voters was larger than last year but those numbers really represented lots of farm animals being declaring as pets. But the clerk did tell us que at least no one had a taqucha register voter.
And finally, at the end of the night ESTA VATO LOCO was declared the winner and the next barrio city representative with a small edge win over Russell Rufus redneck. But that wasn’t the major story here. We have been informed que Redneck was going to challenge the election results something today con the idea que too many chickens, ducks, turkeys, and cats, and dogs voted illegal. In addition he also claims que ESTA VATO LOCO isn’t really his name or a barrio resident. He claims que Esta is a resident outside the area that he was elected for and shouldn’t represent our barrio. The complaint will be submitted to our local justice of the peace for his review within a few hours.
You see Raza elections are made for winners and losers, which one are you? I am Fidel Vermicelli, good day.
ReplyDeleteHejola report for 10262015.
Kingsville,Texas. hello how are we doing, I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Reunion sock hop scheduled.
Barrio woman wins big contest with very little prize.
El compadre arrested for gaga and poopo.
El compadre Andrew Jackson Gomez was arrested and cited for dui, pi, gi, GED, and many more citations, when el constable noticed him being parked right in front of the constable command post for several hours. It seemed like he was doing alright until el compadre walked up el constable. When the constable asked him what his name was and what he was doing, Gomez responded by say gaga, and popo.. was arrested and taken to the lalaland hospital for observations.
El centro for old chicanos will be holding their annual sock hop dance at the same location they have held it for the last 30 years. But this year a few rules have been changed, one was que you will have be at least 67 years old to get in and you must be able to dance a few songs wearing socks only, or you will asked to leave the hall.
Yesterday la senoria Mary Perez was awarded $1000 from a contest she entered. After her name was posted inside our barrio newspaper of when and why the award was going to be given to her. That’s the good news, now the bad news. When she showed up to the award center, almost all her 250 relatives and some she hadn’t seen in years showed up to see if they were going to be given of the piece of the award, some were very disappointed on the results when it was announced que she was only going to get $15 and some changes due to the fact que she owned money to the government. Mary told us que she was glad to have won the award and now owes less that she did.
Ok raza there you have it and have a great day.