Hejola report for 08302017.
Kingsville,tx. Now from the front door of our command post,
here is Urbano Yosabatodo, Heaveno, raza, como estan todos….?
Now for the headline news for today;
Kids in the hood prepare for school,
Parents refuse to meet new school dress codes,
And teachers and schools employees go year round school.
It was announced today que los barrios schools for all
levels will be going all year round. It is about time, was what many of los
families in el barrio wanted. At least we know que our kids are getting the
education they need. And the attention they have needed for years. It just
seems que our kids weren’t getting the education says la mother of eight kids.
Heck I need help in caring for this kids and the school is one source to keep
an eye on them for most of the day. At least it allows me to find a job and a
career. A teacher and a parent and a student conference will be held sometime
in the future to review the new school plans.
A riot almost started yesterday in front of many of the
schools in the hood when at least half of the kids in the hood were sent home
for not meeting the new school dress code. It seems que this year the schools
are making it mandatory that all student need to wear the new school uniforms.
The grey and light blue uniforms have not been made available at our local
barrio stores. And since many of the barrio members hate to drive across the
tracks to large stores, and the WESTINGHOUSE BARRIO MALL has not opened it back
to school stores, but has made it impossible for parents to purchase the
The school administrators have extended and waived the
school uniforms policy till sept. 20 of this year. At that time there will be
no excuse for not having a uniform and students will be send home if they do
not comply with the dress code.
Barrio leaders will meet at our barrio community center to
survey the hood and see which families will be unable to purchase the uniforms.
It was reported que each uniform cost around $45.00 each. Shoot we will be real
lucky to see how many families will be able to purchase these uniforms, said a
uniformed sourced. We are trying to have a fund raiser to see if we can
purchase some uniforms for those children that their parents can’t purchase the
required uniform. There should be no child left behind just because he or she
doesn’t have a uniform, says a barrio parent.
And finally all the kids in the hood will be back in school
sometime this month. This year’s our barrio’s attendances goal is to have at
least 85% of the barrio kids in school. Compared to pass years el barrio has
struggled in making all kids to attend school. This year parents will be called
on for their support in making sure que
when the parent goes to work the kid goes to school. No ann.’s or its, butt’s,
that is the law. So raza if you are driving in a school zone make sure que you
drive slow and respect those adult-cross-the- street-guards helper’s con mucho
authorize con su whistle.
Well there you have it; I am Urbano Yosabatodo, good day...
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