Tuesday, September 25, 2018

hejola report for 09252018

Hejolia report for 09252018


Kingsville, texas. Hello raza how are we doing today, I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio man wins law suit con disable toilets.

Warning called off for the rest of the day.

And finally some dam good news.

The hood is reminded que Halloween is just around the corner and remember that the barrio curfew for children under the age of 47 is 2a.m. for everybody else also don’t forget the permit.

Barrio warnings were issued throughout the day warning barrio members que there were two white men dress in black trying to rob and assault anyone and everyone. The whole hood was in a panic stage. My god says one of the barrio residents its worse that drinking cokes. (Editor’s note that there are only two types of persons in the hood either your white or black, In my case I’m a bit beige).

Yesterday we got word que the law suit filed by el compadre Daniel Perez had been giving approval and that certain restaurant and public places have to comply within a year. The law suit stated que handicap toilets were too high for handicap never the less regular people. You see he point out that you would have to be at least 6 foot tall in order to sit on handicap toilet and have your feet on the ground. By winning the lawsuit it is going to demand que all toilets sits not too be talker than two feet tall so short people could have contact with solid ground when they used them. All right raza.

Ok remember drive safe and watch out for children.

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