Monday, July 29, 2019

hejola report for 07292019

Hejola report for 07292019.
Kingsville, Teas. Hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Mora’s funeral home garage sale;
Yesterday afternoon a small large crowd attended the first even held Funeral home rally garage sale, the program was put together my Mora’s funeral home invited all ten area funeral home to sell items that are hard to find. There was a large collection of near never used and used coffins. You do know that not everyone is buried when they move on but many are placed inside rental coffins for a few hours or days. That was one of several used items that were are sale this pasted weekend. Also a large number of used clothing were all for sale.

Barrio chicken farm under investigation;
Yesterday a team of investigators raided “Juan’s Chicken Shack” where it had several reports that some raw chicken pieces had been either haunted or came back to life while they were been cooked in front of its customers! El constable told us that these chickens being used must be from out of the area chicken farms due to the fact barrio chickens never survived such a beating.
 And finally a family of 20 charged it to god!
You and I both know that there are lots of weird folks out there and our barrio is no exceptions to that. It seem that more than 20 members of La Fuentes family thought it was a good idea to stop and eat at the barrio Whatanaga Burger and order dinner for all 20 some members. At the end of their fest they were asked to pay for their meals, but the leader of the pack, Al Fuentes a barrio minister told the owner que god was going to pay for it, in other words “ Dios te lo pagar’a”! They were all arrested and taken to the holly mole land better known as Jail house!

Ok holly mole have a great barrio day and remember be all have to pay at the end of the road!

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