Friday, August 23, 2019

hejola report for 08232019

Hejola report for 08232019.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am bill diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news;

Hey commadre you need to stop;
Betty Ely, 45, refused to stop at the corner of wells and third after a local police tried to pull her over for driving on the side walk and on the wrong side of the street. The constable tells us que when she paused at a red light, the officer showed her his badge, to which she replied,” I don’t think so” and drove away. Betty was eventually apprehended and charged with aggravated fleeing from the law enforcement officer and reckless driving and endangering several folks walking on the side walk.

Hey want get high;
Sonny Gomez, 35, will be likely spend seven to ten years in prison after going on a drug-fueled rampage in his former boss’s home this pasted week. Sony pleaded no contest yesterday to charges broke into the home to claim his fair share of fish the two persons caught together. Sony told the constable que he was on concoction ayahuasca when he used a machete to break the glass front door of the home. He threatened the boss and his wife, saying he “was going to kill him and chop him up for bait,” but instead he attacked the house, hitting a television, breaking windows, a sliding glass door, kitchen cabinets, the stove, and a microwave and a canoe paddle, among other items, amounting to about $3556 in damages. The barrio task force 666 member asked Gomez what was the whole incident about, he said that his boss owe me a few gold fish. By the way Gomez was on probation also for allegedly threatening two people with scissors.
Sex toys make a big come back;
El compadre y la commadre Ben and Benita Cases, known in the barrio as the swingers in the hood. Well it seemed that the couple’s home was broken into the last couple of years and have had items just disappear from their home. So of the items been reported stolen were about $500 worth of sex toys. After the constable did some investigation and reviewed the homes security cameras in the house, caught Nancy Saenz entering the home, staying for about 40 seconds, then leaving, according to el constable report. Nancy was arrested with second-degree burglary after searching her residence and did find a number of toys the victims said belonged to them. El constable was unclear whether the Cases family and Saenz were acquainted.
Have a great weekend.

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