Thursday, July 16, 2020

daniel satirre for 07162020

Hejola report for 07162020

Kingsville,texas. Hello again I am bill diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio dr. accepting food stamps.
Yesterday afternoon el dr. Bob O. the only dr. in the hood has send an email to all the barrio members that if you don’t have cash he is willing to take some of your food stamps in form of food and steaks, just let him know when you plan on coming in.
Crowd attack barrio demonstrator;
Yesterday afternoon only one person showed up to a rally supporting el barrio leader Tomas Trumpas was, attacked by a bunch of chickens and cats and dogs for protesting that allows farm animals and pets to vote on election day. The protestor told que them chickens and cats and dogs came out of nowhere and was dragged onto the street where another bunch came out and continued their attack. The constable is looking for a bunch of chickens, dogs and cats for questioning.
And finally barrio home fire alert alarms met goals;
The pasted weekend the volunteer fire fighters held their put some money in my boot were very successful in raising money to buy every home a barrio fire alarm. It claims that with the $7. It raised should be enough to provide at least 7 fire alarms to 7 homes. You know barrio instant popcorn is getting money expensive. Instant popcorn is being used a fire alarm at your home; if you can smell it you need to get out your home, now for some reason you hear it popping time might be running out.
Ok raza have a great day.

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