hejola report05092011.
Kingsville,texas.Hello once again raza I am bill diaz con mucho information para todos,. Before we start there will be some special announcements to be made on the new barrio theme park coming soon to the hood. Anyhow raza here is our hejola report for today:
Barrio elects school board members for 2011.
La commadre gets appointed to committee,
Fight breaks out at bar while watching a baseball game on t.v.
The new barrio elected officals have appointed la commadre lopez inez ruiz to a special committee. La commadre lopez inez ruiz, appointment to this committee in the hood is a good thing for all those in the hood that want a better life. She is very excited since she was the only one from our block appointed to the committee. However the purpose of this committee has not been announce yet. But it’s a committee and their first meeting is schedule next year.
A friendly fight broke out yesterday at a new bar called the spot. Its seemed que someone had to much to drink and a fight broke out while watching a baseball game on t.v. It seems que somehow, a cowboy started some shit and the fight broke out. Several folks were injuried and some were arrested. El constable candena is investigating.
And finally, los barrio schools have elected their parent, teachers and student organizations (PTS) leaders. Leading this year’s group will be Novaa Bar-era, president, Emilio-emma Bar-era vice president, and treasurer, Mindy Bar-era. This folks were elected from the six bar-era family members that attended the school meeting.
Ok raza, this after noon there will be a very special announcement. I am bill diaz have a great day.
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