Wednesday, May 25, 2011

hejola report for 05252011

Hejola report for 05252011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again raza I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Vato loco found in sewer hole.
New female police officer on makes first arrest.
And finally vato flies off his car while hold his mattress.
Yesterday afternoon el constable noticed que Benn Perez was riding on top of his car holding on to two mattress, when the constable tried to stop the moving vehicle, the driver took the turn to fast and Benn fell off the top of the car breaking both his legs, two arms, his back, a few ribs and a burse on his head, besides that he will be alright. No charges will be filed.
Maria shine made history yesterday when she finally had a chance to ticket and arrest the same person in less than ten minutes. It seems que she observed a driver swerving in and out of traffic along el barrio main street. When the man was stopped he allegedly compound the first problem by offering the officer five dollars to get rid of the ticket and then said how about I give you a kiss? He was charged with reckless driving and charged with a felony bribery charges. Oh by the way his moped was toll away.
You could hear someone yelling for help, but couldn’t really tell where it was coming from says Maria Garza as she explained to this reporter when she discovered a naked man had fallen down a 50 foot sewer hole. When the vato loco’s volunteer fire fighters arrived at the scene of the crime they helped esta loco named Danny Saenz who was naked and seem to be high on some kind of drug. After being care for the volunteer’s determined que he had been smoking PCP, and smoking marijuana and seemed que he had consumed hallucinogenic mushrooms. The volunteers confiscated the drugs found and was taken to St. Paul’s medical center in critical conditions. Charges are pending. Esta vato.
Have a great day.

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