Wednesday, February 8, 2012

वेस्तिन्घोउसे बर्रियो माल नेव्स्लेत्टर फॉर 02082012

Westinghouse barrio mall newsletter for 02082012.
Kingsville, tx. Gloria Guerra here with our mall newsletter. There is some good news and a lot of bad news. So which one would you want to hear first?
Let’s go with the good news, its always good to start the day with good news. And for that good news here is our good news person Maria la Vandia.
Si Maria con some good news. It rain more than three inches of rain here the last three days, making all the barrio gardeners very happy. This year’s barrio corps could mean a better year for all those taco stands that purchase there vegetables from them. That’s the good news.
Ok maria thanks again for that good news, now let’s go to Johnnie el quemon con the bad news.
Si Gloria there is always bad news in the hood regardless how much good news we got. You know many can turn things around if they are going the wrong way and that could be the case con the increase on the price on everything. You name it, it has gone up. Ok , name some else, well that’s gone up too. So as you notice that everything that could be good for us has gone up and for sure will never come down. The only thing I know that goes up and down, besides my wife, is the price of gasoline, that’s always going up and down. I am johnnie el quemon.

Alright thanks for all that good and bad news. But the real good news it that this coming weekend we will be having our BARRIO MUSIC AWARDS FOR 2012, so if you are in the area, make sure a drop by the mall and get to visit with this years winners.

Ok raza got to go and rock it up… Gloria Guerra, have a great tejano day.

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