Monday, December 9, 2013

hejola report for 12092013

Hejola report for 12092013.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again, I am Maria Malone Baloney, hello raza. Now for our award winning barrio headline news:

Mariachi band members shot and some will survive.

La posada parade riot over weekend.

And finally some good news.

The barrio welcome wagon has announced that it will keep on accepting pets that people don’t want any more at the corner of third and wells. The welcome wagon folks tell us que the home owned by Tina V which is by the way surrounded by at least 150 persons, 24 hours a day have agreed to care for this poor unwanted pets.

Late Saturday evening a mariachi band named Sun Shine Mariachi’s were hired to do a late night serenade to a family living in a big barrio trailer parker. You and I know that there are some dark spots in the hood if you live in a trailer park and that is the case here. El Mariachi Sun Shine band members were walking around a trailer house that had one of the darkness spots in the park looking for the address that hired them, but many across the street believe to be men walking around with assault weapons decided to take the first shots at this so call terrorist, killing two of the six band members and wounding at least three more. Once the lights of several mobile homes came on, many noticed that they had fired on this mariachi band. Several park members called 918 and a chit load of police surrounded the trailer park. More details late this week.

This past weekend was the annual La Posada parade held along the most beautiful street on our side of town turned out to be the bloodiest in history. It seems that one of the float drivers ( two tons of fun float)  fell asleep and got off the parade route and ran over at least 30 men, women, children, cats, and dogs standing along the side walk. Once the float came to a halt, family members still standing rush the float and pulled now the awaken float driver out of the float and started to beat him up. One of the parents went as far as lighting the float on fire that caused the float sponsors and their staff to run over and help the driver as he was been beaten up, and tried to turn the fire off. Once the barrio volunteer vato locos  fire fighters arrived the fire had already spread to some corner store that started a fired next to the bakery that explored and started a fire across the street. Once the smoke and the fires were turned off, at least 10 stores were either damaged or burned down, not counting the float. Charges are pending on chingos de persons and chingos de charges will be filed.

Ok raza have a great weekend and don’t go downtown in the hood, too much investigations going on. Dang don’t you just love all the excitement going on.

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