Wednesday, August 10, 2016

westinghouse barrio mall newsletter: gearing up for the barrio olympic 2017.



Westinghouse barrio mall newsletter: gearing up for BARRIO OLYMPIC 2017!!!


Kingsville, TX. Hello again from Kingsville, I am Gloria Guerra and sure glad to be back. We had been shut down for several weeks due to the fact que the barrio zoo on the third floor allowed its little critters to escape, so we were required to shut it down until 85 percent of the critters would get caught. But now that all that has been taken care of we are back on a roll and preparing for our Barrio Olympic activities and events. Now with that report here is our sports guy Frankie Tuxedo Zungia.

Si Gloria things are moving fast for this weekend Barrio Olympics, and here is a preview of the events schedule for this weekend:


Taco eating contest.

Fajita cooking contest.

Pan de campo throwing contest.

Beer drinking contest.



Hopping contest.

Spitting contest.

Watermelon eating contest.

Breaking into a car contest.

Out run the constable contest.

Catching birds contest.

Lying contest to your mate!

Bicycle dog chase contest.




5 block dog chase contest.

2 block dog chase contest.

Out of the store chase.

Out of the mall chase.

10 block run.

5 block run.

1 block run.

1 house dash.

2 houses dash.

10 mile run, bicycle and swim.

And closing ceremonies.

So as you can see we have a chit load of work ahead of us. See you there raza and now back to Gloria.

OK Frank thanks and there you have it raza a brief summary of this week ends activities. I am Gloria Guerra at the mall.

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