Barrio stock market report for 03112011
Kingsville,tx. (sitting outside my backyard barbequing deer meat) hello once mi raza I am Urbano
Yosabatodo con this week’s barrio stock market report. Well as you can read we have cut down on the
consumption of real meat and started on our supplies or shall I say our endless supply of this season
deer meat. Its good to know folks that love to hunt and hate to waste food. But what is the bigger
problem here is that large meat processors have decide to pass the charge for the cost of BSE testing of
cattle over the next 48 months. This has really has sparked anger among farming industry, especially the
smaller liverstock markets. Pancho Panco the owner of la nueva vida meat markets ( 5 of them_) tells us
que He was disappointed that the cost is now being passed directly to the primary producer and that
the government will no longer paid for this testing. At the last public hearing our man pancho panco
said “"We have long argued for greater transparency, sustainability and simplicity within red meat
Marketing and firmly believe any additional costs such as these are costs of production and, as a result,
Should be factored into the price paid to the producer and that the price a farmer receives at an
Abattoir or auction market should be the actual price he receives and no further deductions should be
Taken off the invoice."
Putting all this aside the sound of using llama meat is getting more attention says el jefe de las llamas
farm, mr. modesto Rubio. I told you guys it was a matter of time. But with all this I think we need to get
to our award winning barrio stock market report:
Los tamales took a slight jump on price from $5.50 dollars a dozen to $6.00 dollars. Like we say que it looks like los tamales are back at holiday prices already this quarter of the year.
Los taquitos were pretty stable, until we found a new taco stand in the hood at $1.39 each, with no specials. Looking good. Much closer to our home.
Las empanadas are back at 2005 prices $ .59 cent each and no site of 4 for a dollar in the future. But we are worried about those pre packed found on those services stations along the freeway, not fresh at all.
Cheap beer, Cheap beer remains stable at $4.65 a six-pack. Regardless how a beer company designs the can it’s still good.
Las flour tortillas at a $1.29 a dozen. I am more than sure que there is lots of different companies that might be cheaper but since we are make believe we will not use any particular brands. Corn remain stable.
La barbacoa by the pound is starting out at $6.00 lbs and make sure to ask que not too much salt or manteque. In other words easy on the grease.
Barrio want ads:
#025654- women clothing for sale, all sizes, make bid for the whole lot.
#006659- old car and truck tires for sales. Some only flat in the bottom, make offer for all ten tires.
#005894- used computers, some work and some do work , make offer for the whole lot. Make offer for the ones that work.
Barrio realtors report:
Again, that ocean front property is for sale in palito blanco,tx. It is about 40 miles west from the ocean. You will have a great view about 2 miles from the ocean. Make offer.
Have a great spring break.
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