Hejola report for 03222011.
Kingsville,tx. Once again I am Bill Diaz con our award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio air show was a success.
No word on the shooting of Jonathon Barrio.
And finally, barrio youth baseball programs start this week.
Our park and recreation officers informed us que this week was the opening of youth baseball season for 2011. He wanted to inform all the parents que they need to act like their age out in the park. The park staff will not tolerate any misconducts by players, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, friends, coaches, managers, bill collectors, drunks, gays, single persons, and who ever goes by the games. So if you can not act your age, don’t go to the games.
El constable has not opened the mall for the last three days due to the fact que they were still investigating the shooting of Jonathon Barrio late Friday afternoon. Up to now they have no leads to why and who shot him.
This weekend our barrio air show was held and it was a very successful event says one of the organizers, Bill Chavez. Si senor, we had about 15 home made planes and all the owners and the crowd were great. Oh by the way Mr. Chavez told us que he wanted to let all the plane owners que his staff found several air plane parts and if any plane was missing a part to please call him up.
Ok raza have a great tejano day.
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