Wednesday, March 16, 2011

hejola report for 03152011

Hejola report for 03162011.
At the beach somewhere, texas. Hello again raza I am Bill Diaz con our award winning barrio headline news. But before we get too it, I want to thank Alcardio, Santa Cecilia and the rest of our staff for doing a heck of a job this week and last night barrio music awards for 2011. But for now ,lets get too those headlines>
Small riot at the end of Barrio awards.
Fight at after party for barrio award winners.
And finally, barrio community center looking for volunteers to clean.
It didn’t take long for shit to hit the fan when the curtains went down last night at our barrio music awards show. It seems que Lil Red was in attendances and so were the 4 mariachi dudes and their wives, as we all know by now que this group broke up a few months ago and some still are pissed at lil red. Anyhow somehow one of the 4 dude wife threw a bottle of beer at Lil Red but was able to duck before it hit her, but in steady it hit the women standing besides lil Red. Before we knew it a small riot occurred, where lots of bottles y chino de chigaso. Several persons were arrested. Oh by the way, what happen to lil Red?
Sometimes you just can’t please everybody, and that was the case at the after party for the award winners. It seems que some of the none winner’s crashed the party and many felt que some of those party crashed had to leave. When some of the guess and non invited started pushing and hitting , it just got out of control. Before we knew it says Santa Cecilia some people had already rush the food table and start throw stuff around. At end of this Malay the food fight had to come to an end because there wasn’t anything else to throw. 18 persons were arrested.
And finally, the directors of our barrio cruz rojo community center let us know que they were looking for a few good men and women to help clean up the mess that was left over from last night unannounced food fight occurred. There will be no paid but you can keep what ever you find on the floor. He also informed us que it has to be today, before the roaches get back in town from their spring break.

Ok raza have a great spring break and watch the children, wax on and wax off.

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