Exclusive interview with the Xavier Chavarrilla del Tejano Globe
Awards, 2013.
Somewhere in San Antonio, texas. Hello again my name is Blanca Blancha Blanco con on the road again interviews. This week our bicycle takes us up to the san anto to visit con Xavier Chavarrilla, con Tejano Globe Awards, and now for that interview.
1. Bbb: hello Xavier como estan can you give me a big hand off this bicycle?
2. Bbb: first of all sir thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to allow this interview. Let start from the beginning and how did Tejano Globe Awards come about and why?
Xc; it came about when Lillian Ham, the President & CEO of Fox Music USA and Founder of the TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS, had a vision and wanted to somehow further embellish the many talents of our genre. Her vision came to light on October 11, 2012.
Somewhere in San Antonio, texas. Hello again my name is Blanca Blancha Blanco con on the road again interviews. This week our bicycle takes us up to the san anto to visit con Xavier Chavarrilla, con Tejano Globe Awards, and now for that interview.
1. Bbb: hello Xavier como estan can you give me a big hand off this bicycle?
2. Bbb: first of all sir thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to allow this interview. Let start from the beginning and how did Tejano Globe Awards come about and why?
Xc; it came about when Lillian Ham, the President & CEO of Fox Music USA and Founder of the TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS, had a vision and wanted to somehow further embellish the many talents of our genre. Her vision came to light on October 11, 2012.
3. BBB; do you feel that your awards can make an impact of
providing new and older Tejano groups some exposure to different musical
Xc; Yes. We are making a major impact on the new and established Tejano artist.
Xc; Yes. We are making a major impact on the new and established Tejano artist.
4. Bbb: do you feel that la onda tejana is better off now than
what it was 5 years ago?
Xc: Most definitely. If you look at the new and established artists of today, they have tripled in numbers; with social media, we have more internet radio stations that are being heard across the globe. To have artist being heard in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Japan, Canada and beyond, Tejano artists can now say that their music has gone global.
Xc: Most definitely. If you look at the new and established artists of today, they have tripled in numbers; with social media, we have more internet radio stations that are being heard across the globe. To have artist being heard in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Japan, Canada and beyond, Tejano artists can now say that their music has gone global.
5. Bbb: what criteria do you use to determine whom to offer and
nomination a group or person and is there a fee?
Xc; Every category has a criteria. The board of advisors of the TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS has established a criteria for each category. It is the advisory board’s responsibility to find four nominees for each category; so, therefore, I do not choose a group or person to be nominated. The TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS has never had a fee and we are not about to start now or ever.
Xc; Every category has a criteria. The board of advisors of the TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS has established a criteria for each category. It is the advisory board’s responsibility to find four nominees for each category; so, therefore, I do not choose a group or person to be nominated. The TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS has never had a fee and we are not about to start now or ever.
6. Bbb; is the Tejano Globe Awards a no profit group and where to the
profits if any, go to?
Xc; The TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS is a business. It is for profit and like any other business; it costs money to put on an award event of this caliber. Any and all profits will be designated for next year’s awards show, year after year.
Xc; The TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS is a business. It is for profit and like any other business; it costs money to put on an award event of this caliber. Any and all profits will be designated for next year’s awards show, year after year.
7. Bbb; what will be different for the Tejano Globe Awards this
year from last year?
Xc; Where do I begin? Last year, I was the TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS spokesperson. This year, I am the event coordinator and spokesperson. The president & CEO, Lillian Ham, asked if I would take over the show and run her business for the TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS side as needed to make it a success. So, I hand-picked an advisory board this year that was extremely knowledgeable of the Tejano industry. To make it a true, legitimate award show, we emplaced criteria that must be met for each category. We have established new categories this year, from last year. Last year, we had less than ten, this year we have over 20 categories. Right now, as this interview is being conducted, we have sent out the criteria and categories to artists that have requested to be considered for the 2013 TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS and I am very pleased to announce that the submissions have surpassed last years’ numbers already and all artists that are interested, have a deadline of July 31, 2013 to submit their work. So, in a nutshell, the big differences are more categories, more artists, more Tejano entertainment, and last but not least, more fans will enjoy the biggest Tejano award show imaginable with more surprises to follow.
Xc; Where do I begin? Last year, I was the TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS spokesperson. This year, I am the event coordinator and spokesperson. The president & CEO, Lillian Ham, asked if I would take over the show and run her business for the TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS side as needed to make it a success. So, I hand-picked an advisory board this year that was extremely knowledgeable of the Tejano industry. To make it a true, legitimate award show, we emplaced criteria that must be met for each category. We have established new categories this year, from last year. Last year, we had less than ten, this year we have over 20 categories. Right now, as this interview is being conducted, we have sent out the criteria and categories to artists that have requested to be considered for the 2013 TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS and I am very pleased to announce that the submissions have surpassed last years’ numbers already and all artists that are interested, have a deadline of July 31, 2013 to submit their work. So, in a nutshell, the big differences are more categories, more artists, more Tejano entertainment, and last but not least, more fans will enjoy the biggest Tejano award show imaginable with more surprises to follow.
8. Bbb; do you think the Tejano industry should worry about the
other major music awards that don’t recognize Tejano music as a category by
Xc; If you are insinuating the major music awards, such as the Grammy’s, then yes, we at the TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS worry about major music award shows that DO NOT recognize Tejano as its own category.
9. Bbb: if I plan on attending this year’s program, and I arrive a day earlier, is there any pre programs to see while I am there?
Xc; The city of Houston, TX and surround towns/suburbs have great venues to attend with live music & DJ’s. I would strongly suggest checking the local Tejano hotspots to see what is available to your liking.
Xc; If you are insinuating the major music awards, such as the Grammy’s, then yes, we at the TEJANO GLOBE AWARDS worry about major music award shows that DO NOT recognize Tejano as its own category.
9. Bbb: if I plan on attending this year’s program, and I arrive a day earlier, is there any pre programs to see while I am there?
Xc; The city of Houston, TX and surround towns/suburbs have great venues to attend with live music & DJ’s. I would strongly suggest checking the local Tejano hotspots to see what is available to your liking.
10. Bbb; if you have the chance to speak with a group of young
people wanting to get into the music business, what encouraging words would you
tell them about la onda tejana?
Xc: First and foremost, keep your education going. The most powerful Tejano is an educated Tejano! Don’t let your haters bring you down. Surround yourself with good people at all times. If you’re in it for the money and not for the art of the music, then you’re in the wrong business. Be true to yourself and work diligently & everything will fall in place.
Xc: First and foremost, keep your education going. The most powerful Tejano is an educated Tejano! Don’t let your haters bring you down. Surround yourself with good people at all times. If you’re in it for the money and not for the art of the music, then you’re in the wrong business. Be true to yourself and work diligently & everything will fall in place.
11. Bbb: and finally sir what would you like to tell all your fans
from around the world?
Xc; The Tejano Globe Awards does this because of the great talent in this genre that deserves to be recognized. We have to give credit where credit is due; there is so much talent out there. We are not trying to compete with any other award shows; we are just showing our gratitude to these great artists that put their lives on hold to entertain us year after year. These Artists sacrifice their family time to entertain us their fans. They miss birthdays, weddings, graduations, anniversaries, & so much more. The Tejano Globe Awards wants to produce a show of great magnitude that is deserving of this Artist their Families, & Fans. I would like for them to sit back in their seats and say "Wow they did this show for us." at the end of the night. They deserve one night of pure comarader and great entertainment for themselves and their fans. On behalf of Pres. & C.e.o. Lillian Ham and the Tejano Globe advisory board I want to thank you for this interview and we will see everyone Friday October 18, 2013 in Houston, Tx.
More details to follow
2013 Tejano Globe Awards
Keeping It Tejano
Across The Globe
Xc; The Tejano Globe Awards does this because of the great talent in this genre that deserves to be recognized. We have to give credit where credit is due; there is so much talent out there. We are not trying to compete with any other award shows; we are just showing our gratitude to these great artists that put their lives on hold to entertain us year after year. These Artists sacrifice their family time to entertain us their fans. They miss birthdays, weddings, graduations, anniversaries, & so much more. The Tejano Globe Awards wants to produce a show of great magnitude that is deserving of this Artist their Families, & Fans. I would like for them to sit back in their seats and say "Wow they did this show for us." at the end of the night. They deserve one night of pure comarader and great entertainment for themselves and their fans. On behalf of Pres. & C.e.o. Lillian Ham and the Tejano Globe advisory board I want to thank you for this interview and we will see everyone Friday October 18, 2013 in Houston, Tx.
More details to follow
2013 Tejano Globe Awards
Keeping It Tejano
Across The Globe
Bbb: as we leave this great
city the only thing that I can think of is that there are some many greats
about it. I am bbb con on the road again interviews, good day
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