Hejola report for 06052013.
Kingsville,tx. Now from the dark side of town, here is our
soul brother himself Lewis Mojo Lewis,
Hello folks, now that we have a brother in the main office
we have high hopes that things will get better, but for now let’s get to our
barrio headline news:
New city learders
plan on moving time two hours instead of one, protest march is planned
for the fall.
Food center in need of cans for xmas baskets for 2013.
And founding fathers from across the tracks want to shut
down part of our side of third street in
the hood.
The folks at the Westside community center will move all
their fall and spring programs ahead two hours. Rumor has it que our new city
leaders and barrio leaders, are planning on move the time clock up two hours. Now where in the hell that came
from we are not sure , but I am sure que it had to be some republican in the
hood. Dealing with the same story, all
members in the hood plan on a protest march this summer for this coming fall,
if such a move is made. Why would they do that.. save energy?
This year’s can drive seems to be going kinda slow said,
DAREL White, a black man in charge of the center for cans. Oh yea it seems que
folks just don’t want to donate stuff anymore to us. It seems que there are
several reasons why folks don’t want to donate stuff to that center. Last year
there was a report que all the good cans were taken by the center operating
staff and left only corn, green beans and other cans que people really already
might have. A community meeting will be held to look in to this matter in 2033.
And finally, the founding fathers from across the track have
closed down part of third street which is at the edge of well s street. It
seems que that part of that town is right in the heart of our tavern and bar
section of the Westside hood. Don’t they realize que by doing that it will
force all those bars and taverns to shut down. Look we know it’s a low income
district but by them shutting down three blocks down it will dynasty our
business says one bar own and not only that says another bar owner, it will
ruin our annual drunk bash, held every June, schedule for sometime next week. Leaders from the hood and members from the
darken side of town will meet this weekend to discuss this matter, one final
point, the city didn’t even ask us , they just came down and shut the streets
down. I quess , that’s one good way to save city and county money in repairing
streets. chit just shut it down. Why do they always pick on us says the
founding fathers from this side of the tracks, we just don’t understand.
Oh well I am lewis mojo lewis from the dark side of town.
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