Hejola report
for 02132015.
Texas. Hello again I am David Polar Bear
Duran con today’s award winning barrio headline news;
Barrio Libro
de la Cara website bans god?
Bicycle sales,
down for 2015.
And some
darn good news.
Now that the
city has decided to re-group and start fixing the streets seem to have taken a
bit of a budget increase. You see some barrio and folks from across the tracks
want bicycle routes marked on them new streets and hope to keep those dangerous
bicycle drives off the new sidewalks. In addition they are demanding que cross
walks are made for all pedestrians and not just Presbyterians.
El circo
Morales the owner of barrio recycle bicycles told us que sales have been down
this 2015 due to the cheap prices of gas, and was hoping que the prices go up
again so people can start riding their bicycles again. Look staying healthy and
wish can only come con a twenty mile bicycle ride.
The owners
of Libro de la cara website has told us que it is going to start banning
posting of god and so forth on its
website. He also told us que the Christians who were so into him needed
to chill for a while. Sources close to
god reported Thursday that the creator not our creator but that the one that
created the Universe and Author of Our eternal salvation was tired of folks
asking for his blessing when we have already been blessed, furthermore he felt que
there was no reason lying awake all night as he pondered his own immortality
worldwide. In common terms I am real busy right now leave me a message. The owners
were not answering their phone for more details.
Ok raza we
just report the news, and if you believe it or not is not our business. Because
your business is our business and my business is none of your business. God bless
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