Thursday, April 16, 2015

hejola report for 04162015

Hejola report for 04162015.


Kingsville, tx. Once again on the road again con La china Cano de china Nuevo Leon.

Hello my friends Como estan todos. Now lets visit with that duo that are circling the world in 80 days David Duran y veronica la lesbian who are in Paris France visiting our staff persons there. Are you there David?

bonjour mes amis je suis David avec mon Veronica d'ami ici à notre BUREAU À PARIS avec nos nouvelles Francisco correspondant Delgado De Gaulle. oui David et ronnie un accueil chaleureux à vous à Paris France. nous rapporterons toute cette semaine de franc jusqu'à ce que nous passions ainsi nous tenons prêt et nous aurons plusieurs rapports pour vous tous de Paris.

Ok guy’s thanks a million.  Now for the barrio headline news:

White power sent to our office and constable is investigating,

Several barrio members honored this weekend,

And finally fight breaks out at monthly barrio clowns meeting.

Our barrio has an organization named barrio clowns inc. well at this monthly meeting a fight broke out between several clowns and the law dogs were called in to break the fight up. It seems que lula the queen clown was accused of using some of the tricks that giga la willa clown has being using this past few years. Well for some reason or another they bumped heads this weekend at the meeting and it seems que their anger had been building up for some time. By this time constable cadena got there the fight had already been broken up. No charges will be filed but both clowns were asked to make sure they didn’t use each other’s tricks in the future.

At our weekly barrio hood meeting several vatos local volunteers firefighters were honored this week for saving several crack heads a few months ago. It seems que esto crack heads fell asleep and nearly burned down the hold apartment complex. But with the great efforts of several of los vatos locos, they managed to enter the blazing apartment building and saved three crack heads. Oh by the way the police wanted to question the vatos who were being honored on what happen to the stuff that was reported missing by the crack heads.


And finally el constable cadena was called in con the rest of the law dogs from across the street to inspect a very funny looking envelope that was send to us by someone to the only gay bar in town two tons of fun. We just didn’t know what to do with this white stuff found inside this envelope say Maria shine our director of fun and games . The police from across the street took the stuff with them to their lab across the tracks and will let us know what it was in a few months.

Ok raza there you have it for today. I am la china cano, oh by the way school has started up again and we do encourage everyone to drive more carefully and keep your eyes open for those kids crossing the street at our local school zones.

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