070705 Chicano cable hot-wired news network: exclusive interview con the dean de tejano music Javier Villanueva.
Now from our remote 1978 red ford whatever that has volunteer painted on the side door is David Duran.
Heaveno raza y como estan todos. You guy got to know that there is a god in this world, and I want to thank him for my great life and the people he has allowed to come into my crazy world. Today we will have an exclusive interview with a man that has devoted his whole life en la onda tejano. He is a man that has put la onda back into la onda tejana. And I am only talking about Javier Villanueva, el director and found of tejano roots. Lets get to it.
As we drive to this undisclosed location in Alice Texas, we are headed to do our interview con Javier Villanueva.
Dd: Mr. Villanueva. Let me thank you from allowing us to interview you.
Jv.: Well David. Let me say that the honor is all mine, I have done many interviews with news media from all over the country, but feel exceptionally honored to be interviewed by a news agency with as much insight on the subject as you.
Dd: Javier first of all tell us a bit about you sir?
Jv: I started in the Tejano industry at the age of 18 in 1968. I was inspired by three brothers which were my first cousins, Jesse, Oscar & Ray Villanueva, who were members of the original Sunny & the Sunliners and are on the cover of the album "Talk To Me" which was recorded in 1963. After I graduated from high school in Alice, I attended College in Houston and organized my first 9-piece band, which was named Los Chamacos, believe it or not! After that I turned to management of several Tejano Groups, which included Laura Canales. Carlos Guzman, The Texas Country Band (Tejan Country), Vida Alegre and several others. I now keep busy holding down three jobs. My "Professional" job is as a Special Agent for the District Attorney's office in my hometown of Alice. I am also the Director of Sales and Special Promotions for KUKA FM 105.9 in Alice. I also produce my own radio show "The Totally Tejano Classics Radio Show", and try to stay active in local events and organizations.
Dd: I am more than sure que la onda tejana means a lot to you. Tell us Javier what makes a person devote his whole adult life to la onda texana?
Jv; Pure Love for La Onda! I am absolutely committed to the preservation and the recognition of our musical heritage, legends and pioneers
Dd: as director and founder of tejano roots. Can you give us some back ground on the development and the creation of such an organization?
Jv: It was after a conversation with who I consider to be my right hand man, Juan Sifuentes, Jr. I had attended a couple of TTMA Awards shows a few years back and was disturbed at the very little attention that was given to the pioneers of La Onda. I knew that Juan's father, the great Juan Antonio Sifuentes had been inducted in their "Archivial" Hall of Fame. Anyway, in our discussion, Juanito expressed his excitement and the great feeling he felt when he was presented the award for his father. I could see the excitement in his face, but then it all came crashing down when in another instant he looked up at me and said, "And that's that!".... No one will ever get to see my dad's wooden plaque...no one will ever know of my dad's accomplishments” That set my mind to thinking..."I knew that Alice was considered to be The Birthplace of Tejano. I know that museums for other music genres existed...and I know that where there is a will...there is a way!".... That was in 1999...and now we are in our 6th year as the official Hall of Fame for Tejano Music.
Dd: I have visited your center several times and find it very interesting. Javier what are the future plans for tejano roots and its goals that you think you haven't met?
Jv: Oh...we are far from meeting our goals. In the past six years, our museum has played host to over 50, 000 visitors thru our events and website. We have been visited in person by residents of over 35 states, 4 countries (Japan, India, Canada & Mexico) and over 200 cities, from Brownsville, to San Francisco, New York City to Chicago and from Miami to Denver. Our Museum is a small and modest museum. You won't find great architectural designs or fancy display cabinets. All our display cabinets and furniture in our museum has been picked up at flea markets or have been donated.... The building was donated "As Is" by our local hospital (needed many repairs) Money for the remodeling was donated by an anonymous donor, ($16,000.00)...labor was also donated.... hopefully we can expand the museum REAL SOON...'cause we are running out of space! ONE BIG PROBLEM!!!. We are not funded! We must remain "Self Sustaining" our 10 member board of directors decided we should to this in order to maintain our legitimacy... so we depend on contributions and donations. ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVES.... right?
Dd; with your blessing sir I have been very fortunate along con my friend Oscar bullet villa to have been a presenter at your annual ceremonies for the past two years. We here at Chicano cable hot-wired news network are honored and give you and Linda Escobar credit for acknowledging us as a news service. What in the world was you thinking man in giving us this opportunity?
Jv: Lol...as I said before, We at Tejano ROOTS believe you guys are sincere in your efforts to promote our onda...and remember...."The Bullit" is also a true Legend!
Dd: during the year you hosted a number of dances and other functions, this year you have been faced con some real important events that tejano roots took the main lead. Such as the passing of Laura Canales. Can you tell us how important it was for you guys to assist her family in making all the arrangements?
Jv: First of all...Laura was my dear friend.... I also was blessed with being her manager during her performances with Los Fabulosos Cuatro. The family was going through some difficult times and asked me to help them...and most important.... she was La Reina...and her fans and friends needed to be kept up to date. There was only one other time that was as equally difficult for me to handle and that was the passing of another great artist...Juan Hinojosa of Los Fabulosos Cuatro and his son Michael...Somebody had to do it. I was deeply honored to have been asked by both families to assist them in their most difficult time.
Dd: yes I remember the death of Juan y Michael Hinojosa, they were real good friends , just like laura was. We sure have lost lots of tejano legends this passed few years Javier. A Tejano root is one way to honor them. How does one determine which organization really represents la onda tejana?
Jv: Total Devotion! No Deviation! Advocacy! 100% Commitment to La Onda! In other words...Don't say..."Puro Tejano".... and then turn around and promote other genres.
Dd: I am sure that you are very aware of all the discussions many raza have been having dealing con la onda tejana. One of the most asked questions I have read on the net is where is tejano headed. As a radio d.j. And dean de la onda, what is your opinion on la onda tejana and its direction? Pass and the future?
Jv: La Onda Tejana is headed where WE TAKE IT! We must unite in our advocacy, we must throw away EGOS and focus on our love of the music.... we must sacrifice! If we don't support our Tejano artists and events, then how in the world can we expect it to survive? I'll give you an idea of what I mean. Another radio station in my hometown was writing an article for the local newspaper. The Slogan for the Radio Station was "Puro Tejano".... in his article. The General Manager for the station made this comparison."Let's get serious people.... if you had a choice of getting free tickets to see either Ram Herrera or Ramon Ayala...we would all pick the Ramon Ayala's tickets".... well. you know what I did!...I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.... I wrote back and popped a fire cracker under his seat! How can one exploit our music...and then not support it?
Dd; Javier is there anything that you would like to share con la raza del la onda tejana?
Dd: Javier we want to thank you for your time and allowing us to expose you to your countless fans and your great job you and your staff have done here at tejana roots. God bless you and many he give us mucha vida>
Jv; David.... thank you for allowing me to let off some steam... I sincerely hope that I don't bore your readers... and if anyone would like to dispute, comment, or discuss my comments in this interview.... I am always willing to oblige......... Oh, and please David...allow my just one more thing... DON'T SETTLE FOR ANYTHING LESS THAN THE BEST..........CALL YOUR RADIO STATIONS...DEMAND THAT THEY INCLUDE OUR ARTISTS IN THEIR ROTATIONS OR YOU WILL TURN THEM OFF.... Y QUE VIVA TEJANO!
Dd: well there you have it, I am David duran with another exclusive interview, have a great day a god bless you all.
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