Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:52 pmPost subject: Panzone caliante update part two the medical update 12092006
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------exCLUSIVE REPORT: THE CONDITIONS OF PANZONE CALAINTE. Part two medical update. 12092006.
Kingsville, tex.: hello I am el general fideo vermicelli con an update on the on going investigation del shooting del barrio music award winner Panzone Caliante.
Let us go to our part two, panzone’s medical status. As you might recall que panzone was brought to the mall where few barrio doctors that work here at st. pauls medical center reported to us que he is not out of trouble yet a few days ago. In addition, panzones conditions were not helped since it took them several hours to get medical attention, due to the lack of insurances causing panzone to fall into a deep coma and has not recovered yet. But lets introduce our barrio doctor in charge of St. Pauls medical center Dr. Chon chingo Chon and is caring for panzone.
Si thank you general, right, yo soy el doctor CHON CHINGO CHON, and I have been asked to speak on panzone’s present conditions. A few days ago we mention que panzone was in a coma status. Panzones injurious come from one of five guns shoots that stuck mr. panzone caused a servere head injury. We However are very sadden, que panzone has not regain consciousness, both reactivity and perceptivity are not present. Reactivity and perceptivity are necessary for a state of awareness. It is often the case that some parts of perceptivity such as speech and self care must be relearned in this case we are not sure if that will be possible. We have learned in the pass que here in el barrio About 5% to 10% of all coma patients are incapable of conscious behavior, and end up vegetative, which most of the public think of as prolonged coma.
We are recommending que panzone be admitted to our special st pauls medical Coma Rehab unit, where our aims would be to stimulate arousal of comatose and try to rehabilitate panzone to a higher level of functioning. We are hoping que our Coma Recovery team will evaluate panzones comatose and hoping to designs individualized stimulation programs that can be carried out by panzone’s ' families. We believe que for now panzones Family and many other support groups have volunteer to provided such care for free.
We here at the st pauls medical center will give panzone free room but all his medical bill will be charged to his foundation that has been established to pay for this make believe story (Hey other people have done it so why not).
That is all I have for now, I am dr. chon chingo chon head doctor here at our st pauls medical center. Ok thank you doctor.
Now a few words from this reporter on this information pertaining to panzone y su medical care:
"Here's a typical barrio scenario: if dr chon , a barrio physician decides to have a specialist evaluate his patient, in this case panzone, what would be the the first step in allowing another medical opinion.. we are sure que this new doctor would first have to get authorization from the health plan, which is typically done over the phone, in this case the family in charge of any money that the foundation has. El doctor would have to fills out a st. pauls medical referral, make copies of panzones charts, and mails it via barrio express to the specialist. This specialist from across the tracks will sees charts and visit con panzone and returns his or her evaluation in writing. The whole process can take as long as 10 days, and in four out of 5 times such results or requests simply gets lost in the system."
Of course, we can make a lot more of assumptions on panzones conditions an what went on at this medical center., we know one thing is true an that is que any number of activities went on in the hospital in trying to help panzone, many taking place outside of the operating room that barrio surgeons had nothing to do with. Even if this operating room was not the right one for such a terrible injuiry, the assumption that the surgeon’s were in control were ever true, since they also play as receptions to the center , and it has became less and less true as operating rooms became more complex and the persons on whom the surgeon depended became more specialized and educated keeping records of bills and files instead of their medical duties. But all this is,is just another story., I am el general fideo vermicelli con this medical up de panzone caliante. For the cchwnn have a great evening.
_________________your business is our businee and my business is none of your business
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