Exclusive update on the return of panzone caliente!02092007.Cchwnn.Kingsville, TX. Hi I am bill Diaz with this exclusive press coverage of panzone caliente return. Let us go now con el general fideo vermicelli.
General: we are here in front of our command post 918 north Armstrong attending a press conference on the return of panzone caliente. Now lets listen to our own constable cadena:
Constable: yesterday afternoon around 4:00pm central time, el constable y el ojo junior con su barrio security force 666 surround a farm house right at the edge of night in the hood. The constable got a lead que panzone was been held. The raid also includes the law dogs from across the tracks y los vatos locos volunteer firefighters 811 unit. As you might remember que panzone was kidnapped from the st. Paul medical center here at the mall and was in a coma.
When they raided the facilities, they found panzone tied to a pole in the middle of the room. It seemed que panzone had come out of his coma, the conditions of panzone were good and he is now at a secret location for his own safety. The constable has arrested ten people and three were shot yesterday. The conditions of those shot are good and will be booked this afternoon across the tracks. The ordeal was an awful one for our friend and hero panzone caliente, and the whole hood are glad que he is back and in good health and safe.
The name of the leader of this gang is Javier ruelas, along con c.l. west, floyd barrera, a.s. Rodriquez, Roberto, Juan, chuy, and Emilio barrientes. The two females were Juanita Garza y Susie Mota. It is reported que all of this ten persons were devoted fan club members and we are told now que they wanted to make sure que panzone didn’t died in the hands of that barrio medical center.
So as you can see it’s going to be a heck of case for those who will handle this case in court. On one hand we have a kidnapping and on the other he was kidnapped to make sure he lived. And the end results was panzone did come out of his coma and doing better. Pesse hejola.
I am el general fideo vermicelli, now back to bill diaz.
Ok thanks general, please keep us informed on this case. I am bill diaz and happy to say que panzone caliente is back and well, have a great tejano day.
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