Kingsville, tex: como estan I am el general fideo vermicelli this afternoon we were able to attend a press hearing conducted by el ojo junior barrio private and owner of barrio security force 666 consider the shooting of el barrio music award winner Panzone caliante. El ojo jr,: at the present time we have been unable to speak con panzone who is presently in a coma. The few barrio doctors that work here at st. pauls medical center have reported to us que he is not out of trouble yet. Since it took them several hours to get medical attention, he fell into a deep coma and has not come back yet. Now dealing with this case,Was it attempted murder or attempted suicide? That's the question that launches many here in the barrio, and all barrio law enforcement looking into this case. Many of your antagonist may wish to confound police and detectives into believing that an attempted death was self-inflicted; it's our detective's job to determine otherwise. We have kept all our options opened . but are confounded with not enough clues to solve the mystery? First we will be looking for a definitions involved this case. Was it attempted murder, attempted manslaughter, could it have been a self defense, or just plain attempted suicide? We have had some witness come up and tell us what they saw, and right now we do have definitions that are pretty consistent with our on going investigation, but with the right information provided we will be able to piece our results of this terrible insistent but we do want to remind you that the boundaries can be blurred, either accidentally or by design. We do not want to imply ,for instance, que it was an attempted murders can be made to resemble suicides, or manslaughter can become murder if sufficient motive and premeditation can be proved. We are making sure que we don’t make a mistake an claim to be a suicide staged to look like a murder. We hope to have more details within a few days. Ok raza there you have it with the latest on this case, I am el general fideo vermicelli, from our command post here in Kingsville tx.
_________________your business is our businee and my business is none of your business
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