Friday, January 22, 2010

barrio stock market report for 01222010

Barrio stock market report for 01222010.
Kingsville, tx. Hello again I am urbano yosabatodo con this week’s barrio stock market report from Kingsville tex. Well this month is almost over and do we have bills to pay this year. Chinga I will never again borrow that high rate increase short term pay back quick loan I got for Christmas. Let’s get down to business raza, and we have lots of things going on.

los taquitos are stable at $1.49 each at most restaurants unless there is a special. Cup of coffee is not include in some places. We know que in the dallas/ft.wt area can be found a 2 for $1.25…. oh well we will never know.
Las empanadas is the one que we monitor the most. First of all we will never ever again see them at 4 for a dollar. Second going rate for one is .79 cent each. In some convenient stores you can find them at 4 for $1.79, but not fresh.
Los tamales have dropped on price this quarter. The going price is $5.50 and have dropped from the holiday prices of $6.00 a dozen. Its just a matter of time before we will see the raise back to holiday prices.
La barbacoa by the pound is so hard to determine where this market is headed. Like we mention last week, que with that mad cow disease and other stuff gong on, we are wondering how long it will be before they stop selling beef heads. La barbacoa by the pound is at $4.50 a lb.
Las flour tortillas by the dozen has seen its better days. We were informed que there is over 10 major tortillas companies in the hood try to win this market over. Our best suggestion is, that’s if anyone ones to hear it es que your better off in making them at home. But who really has the time to make them? Las flour tortillas going for $1.10 cent to $1.65 a dozen.
And finally cheap beer. Well folks what can I say. Just in our hood there is three stores and ever-freaky store has different prices. We buy at the best deal. Cheap beer remain stable for the quarter at $4.65 a six pack.
Barrio want ads:
#254100- used bras all sizes make bit for one or all the batch.
#259850- two and three and four wheel bicycles for sale , make bid for all or single one.
#756654- chickens and ducks still for sale, some still have Easter dye on them from last year. Good health and need good home.

Barrio Realtor report:
Chingo de one and two bedrooms apartments for rent. Ranging from 50 to 200 bucks a month just call us at …

Ok raza there you have it for today.

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