Wednesday, January 27, 2010

westinghouse barrio mall newsletter 01272010

Westinghouse barrio newsletter for 01272010.
Kingsville, TX. Hi, I am Gloria Guerra con today’s newsletter. We want to thank all you barrio and then some shopper for stopping once in a while and making our thing happen. But for right now let’s go to our main stage at level one con El General.
Si mi friend Gloria I am el general Fideo Vermicelli con some chopper consumer advise. You and I know que we can’t buy or have everything we want. So why do we keep insisting on getting those things we can afford? Well we finally decided to make all you, yes the barrio consumer a winner. And in doing so we want to congratulate you and you and you. Now back to Gloria.
Ok general, huh, thanks for that winning spirit. Let now go to Blanca Blanch Blanco con her report,
Bueno Gloria, I am Blanca and not going make you a winner but I am going to tell you that everything her at the mall is on sale and if you get here on time Saturday you can almost buy anything and everything two for the price of one. Si you heard it right tow for the price off one. That indeed is good news, and now back to Gloria.
Ok blanca con su winning ideas. And finally lets visit con our Maria La Vandia on the second and third floor.
Thanks again, Gloria, our barrio zoo well be closed this weekend in order to round up some barrio little critters but it will have a small display of household pets on the second floor. El senor ramon ruiz informed us que chingos de roaches, ants, and some little rats will be on display for those wanting to feel at home.
So as you can see its all happening here at the mall. And now back to Gloria.

Ok, Maria, and thanks. And now a few final words, we have just got word that they are taking layaway plans at the Morra funeral home, Si if you foresee your death of a family member now is the time to make that layaway so not all those bills will accumulate at the last minute. Keep that in mind. I am Gloria Guerra and have a great day.

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