Monday, January 25, 2010

hejola report for 01252010

Hejola report for 01252010.
Kingsville,tx. Hi I am sure glad to be back from that long week assignment to the super bowl and later found out it was going to be held until two weeks from this past Saturday. Dang. But shit happens. And now for our barrio award winning headline news:
Recall on barrio super glue cream.
Cub scout leader busted with troop at the bingo house.
And finally ten more new snow cone vendors in the hood.
Well if seven street vendors selling snow cones and stuff wasn’t enough how about ten more. Yes ten more. It looked like a parade yesterday afternoon says el constable cadena when he noticed all seventeen vendors lined up and driving down the same street at the same time. So of the complaints that the residents filed from holding back traffic to music too darn loud. The barrio leaders will look at the matter this coming Sunday to see if they can limit the number of street vendor in the hood,.
I guess if you are addicted to bingo, you will do whatever it takes to make that bingo games helded ever Monday. Well that was the case con Johnnie Be good Munoz, this pasted Monday night. Mr. Munoz was released as a scout master for his local Cub Scouts because he took his troop, all ten boys to last week’s bingo with parent consent. It would have been ok says Mr. Bennnie Clasen, director of the regional scouts, the only problem was when several of the boys won some money and had to share it with mr. Munoz. So of the parents felt que their children should have not been at the bingo never the less gambling at such a young age. Parents are planning to file charges against mr. Munoz unless he gives the money back to the children.
And finally, It seems that Marcos Benavidez, the owner and the creator of Vato super glue , yes the one that glues everything real tight and can’t be moved unless you have that special formulated cream to release it from what it is glued too? Well it’s that special formulated cream that has been recalled. Benavides tells que he has been forced to recall at last 100 cans of this special cream due to the fact que it did not release the items that the Vato super glue the way it’s supposed to do. So if you have purchased any of this super glue please make sure and give Mr. Benavides a call so he can replace it.
Well there you have it raza, have a great tejano day.

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