Westside warrior news network for 01072010.
Kingsville,tx. What’s happening folks, I am lewis mojo lewis with this week’s barrio headline news:
Increase of blondes this 2010.
Gain weight or lose your job.
And finally snow cone man busted.
This 2010 will not have its traditional snow cone man drive around the hood selling snow cones and ice cream. It seems that ole man Black Joe Moreno was busted new year’s day con 10 pounds of weed and 17 packs of stolen goods. It seems that los undercover cops from across the hood had their eye on him for some time now says el constable cadena. Ole man Joe was not only delivering snow cones and ice cream but was making a few extra stops con su extra goodies.
A complaint has been file at the office of our justice of the peace from a woman whose name we will not use (maryra). Her complaints is against Two tons of fun bar ( designed for big women dancers) where she was hired as a dancer but with the conditions of gaining at least 40 to 50 pounds within a two month period. Well within that period she was only able to gain ten pounds and was treated to be fired if she didn’t gain the needed pounds. The complaint will go to court in a few weeks.
And finally, sisters and brothers have gone will this new year. It seems que at least 30 men and women have gone blonde headed. Yes you heard it right blonde headed and we are waiting to see in a few months to see who will keep that flashy hair style. Oh by the way we have asked self of those new blondes if its true that blondes have more fun!!!!
Ok raza there you have it for today and remmever, if you aint blonde than why be one.
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