Monday, October 8, 2012

hejola report for 10082012

Hejola report for 10082012.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again mi raza, question of the day can we save big bird? And now for our award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio man claims sex victory.

Yesterday el senor Mario Munoz was awarded the more sexist man in the hood.

Vato declared que he was the smartest man in the room, until some else walked in.

And again city leaders and county leaders denied softly DWI law.

It seems that a certain church in our city was denied again, a request to open a church on this side of the tracks because they felt que their priest might get caught driving within intoxicated. All we way says a church leader is for the city and county law dogs to give us a small break. The fear was que the church felt que their presit might have too much of a work load one day and might not making back to the other side of the tracks. The official told them to bring a tent and camp over if they felt too drunk to drive.


Ben torres was arrested for talking to himself during lunch at the local church hall way. He declared out loud, someone said que he was the smartest man in the room, until we all walked in on him. After a few minutes of trying to rethink his statement he was arrested for trespassing by el constable cadena.

It took some courage but he was able to win this year’s less sexist man in the hood for the seven year in a row. Mario Munoz, now around 85 had told many folks in the hood que he was the only man in hood not having sex. After some research we found why? que esta ven feyo.

Ok raza bye for now.

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