Hejola report for 05292015.
Kingsville, texas.
Hello again, I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Higher education
higher issues were discussed at local barrio college.
Increase of arrests predicted
for this summer....
And now some good
Yesterday the local
vocational school announced que they were going to expand their vocational
courses to include such classes but not limited to the following :
Course 254 : Half the
truth is often a great lie.
Course 351: What
happened today, liar.
Course 585: how lie
to your parent with a smile.
The barrio administrator
hopes que by taking these classes will improve your situation in life.
In other news,
constable was tell us que his monthly report on crime for the month of May was
higher than previous years. He also indicated que it could have been all those
want be tejanos’ and some real tejanos’ cause problems at oneTejano gay bar.
The constable told us que he had no major problems with that gay Tejano bar, it’s
the real Tejanos guys trying to come out of the closet are the ones having all
the issues and causing them problems with in the hood.
And finally, today several high income parents complaint que
the cost of education was too dam high. And that their $100,000, annual income
and family of 4 with one in college, was not going to cover anything due to the
fact que they only got loans. But it really wasn’t that bad, on the other side
of the room were the low income families with less than $30,000 annual income
and family of 4 with one in college who were also offer loans and so free funds
were very excited to see their children having the opportunity go to college.
Don’t you just love our country!!! The barrio college administrator said que
the poorer the family the more they were willing to invest in their students
compared to the families with a lesser educational need and larger recourses,
were not up to the fact que they were going to folk out some money to help pay
for college.
Ok raza have a great
educated day and always remember it’s not how much you know , it who you know
and how much it cost you to know.
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