Friday, June 10, 2016

hejola report for 06102016

HEJOLIA REPORT for 06102016.


Kingsville,tx, Now from news desk that 1979 ford whatever here is David Duran.

Heaveno raza. Today is a very sad day. Seems there is never enough money to go around. But what can be done about? Nothing said the blind man to his two deaf sons.

Now for the barrio headline news:

Man dress like cantinflias arrested,

La commadres frontyard fence sprayed con dirt word,

And local taverns owners all agreed they would ask drunks to go home.

Yesterday tavern owners gathered at our local community center to discuss the major problems concerning the increase of drunks and the problems they were causing lately. It seems que since football season is over more and more drunks have been coming out into the public taverns says one owner. Another owner also second that comment. The organization of cantinas y dancehall all agreed that these kinds of problems are just what we don’t need.

 After a few minutes of discussing these problems, it was determined que ten barrio residents were pointed out as the ones causing problems. So it was agreed by this organization que whenever this person showed up at their bars they were going to be asked to leave and would refuse to service them. They were sure que all of the problems would go away.

In other news la Commadre Tula called the constable cadena to her home yesterday morning and reported que she was being harassed. When the constable arrived at her home, he did noticed que someone had spray-painting the word “HO” on her front yard fence and home wrecker, food stamp trap, up your nose with a rubber hoe. When the constable asked what seemed to be the problem, she said que she was receiving phone calls and saying que she was a “HO”. But since she didn’t have i.d. caller or star 69, she really couldn’t tell whom it was that was calling. The constable hated to do this but he informed her que someone had gone the extra mile and had spray painted the same word on her front yard all over the hoes home in the hood.

The constable office will investigate this matter.


And finally, a man in a "cantiflas” outfit stationed himself at the entrance Westinghouse barrio mall and took on his own to harassing rather than amusing children and parents. Mall officials called el constable cadena and as asked him to ask this look alike “cantiflas” fellow to leave the mall premise, stating que they didn't want him here, they did not want it there, they did not want it anywhere. After a few minutes el constable offer him a ride to a local tavern in which the man agreed to leave.


Well raza there you have for today, I am David Duran, and have a great day

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