Thursday, January 31, 2019

hejola report for 02012019

Hejola report special edition, 02012019.


Kingsville,tx. Hello I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio lifts the ban on more than six sex toys per family.

Protest continue?

And now some darn good news.

Some members of hood are on a upraise  due to the comments made by one of our barrio leaders tell folks that when you work hard and pay your bills on time, life is so much better. But it seems that many in hood felt that they were being pressured by our barrio leaders on how to live their life’s regardless if you pay bill or not. The good news is that barrio leaders are trying real hard keeping the hood in the debt free. The hood has always believe que if you don’t have debt than you don’t have anything. The sad part about this comment is if you have debt and don’t have anything, than there the problem.

A group of anti-everything were asked to leave the corner of third and wells after a few weeks of protesting. The group do not have a name nor a person in charge they just get together and protest things on a daily bases. El constable tried to see what their real beef was but none of them were real sure what it was, nor willing to tell us what the beef was, one member of the group who was able to put more than five words together told us “so what it’s my right”, and left at that. A permit is going to be required now that this group has demonstrated that anyone or anything can protest regardless what it is or what it not. The permit will cost $100 per person of a group. Please note only applies to persons that cannot put more than five words together.

Yesterday el ojo barrio private and justice of the peace lift the ban on sex toys that had been passed back in 1998, when our friend and leader of the group “ let me put the finger on you committee”, who by is married to our prima Norma Vela, was able to convince barrio leaders to put the ban on sex toys in every household. Russell Rufus Redneck told us yesterday now that his much older doesn’t recall such action by his group and now he wonders if he such action was actually true. Anyhow happy days are back again.

Ok raza we predicted that come next December the hood population will increase by 20 percent. Have a great day, and hug a Tejano.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

barrio stock market report for0130219

chicano cable hot wired news networkbarrio stock market report for 01302015

Barrio stock market report for 01302019.


Kingsville,tx. Como estan I am urbano yosabatodo con esta stimulus barrio stock market report. Doesn’t It seems que the new trend is just plain stimulus? Yea that’s the ticket. Everywhere we go its stimulus this and stimulus that. Our society has taken the word stimulus and applied to almost everything possible. Shoot, even those sex enhancement pins have a little stimulus to them. But for now, let’s just try to stimuluate the economic and leave our sex life out of it.

Now for that award winning report:

In the world of buying and selling barrio stock is nothing new too many of us, switching to a new market doesn't mean that they are doing the research that we do. So we don’t expect you to change or change any of your barrio stock market habits. Just hang with us. Ok.

Los tamales, if there is any way to beat el tamale market for this coming xmas season we insist that you buy now. Most tamale brokers are selling their stock at a real low rate this month but preparing to launch an interest on price before you know it. If you can, scoop up as much as you measurably can, all this will guarantee a whole lot of tamales for this xmas season. Oh by the way the tamale guy never came back. Los tamales ended the week at $5.50 a dozen a dollar down from last week.

Las tortillas: With the increase of wheat and gain this market has suffered a bit this month. Since the start of this quarter las tortillas have gotten much better. In terms of not too many found stuck together like several year ago. Who says nobody reads our barrio stock market. The tortilla war of 2005 really made a differences with this market. Las tortillas ended the week at $.99 a pack.

Los taquitos up ten cents from last week, ended the week at $1.35 each and coffee is extra. But we found a place here in Kingsville got them going for 2 taquitos for $1.75.

la barbacoa de caberas remained stable, ended the week at $6.50 a lb.

Barrio want ads:

Item 0321545:  used women and men underwear lots of sizes from 12 to 18 in the women’s section and sizes from 36 to 48 waist  for the men section. All sales are final.

Item 030548: used car tires for sell. All sizes only flat on the bottom.

Items 035698: easter chickens, turkeys and rabbits for sale, different colors and size. Some chickens are chicks from last year that weren;’t  sold . now full grown but still some color in them.

Items 038574:  jose lopez t shirts “ put me in jail if I fail” call or write about price and design. please note que this not the joe lopez you think it is, its another vato con that same name, and in jail also. Pesse hejola..

Now for the barrio realtor report:

El primo Mendez tells us que the city is getting ready to knock down a bunch of crack houses, the owners tell us que they would like to know if anyone is interested in pick up the remains of this houses for free. Let us know no charge but there is a transportation tax in our hood.

Ok raza have a great weekend and make sure to go  shopping at our malls. 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

tatoos 2019

Re issued story 01292019
Barrio story 2015, my tattoo, twenty years later.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello raza I am Veronica La Lesbian con my barrio story 2015, my tattoo twenty years later.
As a young woman I felt que we would have to follow the trend that was back then. As you might already know tattoo weren’t the trend but to be beautiful and full of hope and joy was. I was an outlaw, one that didn’t go along, one that had to be different so I dyed my hair and didn’t follow my parent’s advice. ...So to piss them more I got a tattoo on my back saying “MotherDear”. From that point on I was label an outcast. Now twenty years later and about 150 lbs heavier and no waist line, my poor tattoo doesn’t even look like the one I had twenty years ago. My “MotherDear” doesn’t even read like that anymore. It’s sad that I didn’t listen to my parents back then and now I have to live with “Montgomeryward” on my back.
Barrio tattoos 20 years later part two,2015.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am Maria La Banda con our second part Barrio tattoos part two. Yesterday my good friend and co work Veronica wrote about her experiences con tattoos back them. Last night our creator along con other staff decided to do a follow up on this matter.
We decided to address it in a Christian point of view. As we all know and have noticed that many more folks are using spiritual on their daily face book about Jesus and god in general. So we took it on our own to use tattoos as a point of references for all you good Christian asking for his guidance’s.
So we will start by quoting some parts of the Old Testament laws:
The Old Testament law commanded the Israelites, “Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:28). So, even though believers today are not under the Old Testament law (Romans 10:4; Galatians 3:23-25; Ephesians 2:15), the fact that there was a command against tattoos should raise some questions. The New Testament does not say anything about whether or not a believer should get a tattoo.
In relation to tattoos and body piercings, a good test is to determine whether we can honestly, in good conscience, ask God to bless and use that particular activity for His own good purposes. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). The New Testament does not command against tattoos or body piercings, but it also does not give us any reason to believe God would have us get tattoos or body piercings
An important scriptural principle on issues the Bible does not specifically address is if there is room for doubt whether it pleases God, then it is best not to engage in that activity.
Romans 14:23 reminds us that anything that does not come from faith is sin. We need to remember that our bodies, as well as our souls, have been redeemed and belong to God. Although 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 does not directly apply to tattoos or body piercings, it does give us a principle: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.”
So what is the point we are trying to make? This great truth should have a real bearing on what we do and where we go with our bodies. If our bodies belong to God, we should make sure we have His clear “permission” before we “mark them up” with tattoos or body piercings, so before you decide to post your believe in god, take a look at what you already done and ask yourself if I am a hypocrite?
God bless you, to believe is to believe but to believe only what you think that applies to you is not the word of god.
For more details on our faith please visit the church of Daniel,facebook.

Monday, January 28, 2019

hejola report for 01282019

Hejola report for 01282019.


Kingsville,Texas. Hello raza I am General Fideo Vermicelli con todays award winning barrio headline news;

Barrio drag queens increased in 2018.

Ten men and ten chickens arrested at the corner of third and wells.

And finally so darn good news.

Barrio elections this coming year has produce lots of barrio members wanting to run for office and get paid for holding that office. What better income are there, full benefits, no more food stamps, car allowances, office space, cell phone, copy machine, computer and lab top, my god where do I sign up?

El constable Cadena tells us que the last few weeks a group of grown men and some of their chickens have been protesting the proposed city law that would require all chicken owners in hood to register their pet ( in this case chickens) and to make sure that their chicken chit is disposed in a proper way. Look if cats and dogs and sheep owners are required to sign up pets, why not other pet’s says el constable. The barrio will vote on this matter this coming 2033.

The owner of two tons of fun the only Tejano gay bar has may us aware that there was a 35 percent increase on drag queens compared to previous years. Lil Java tells us que she is real excited about this due to the fact que it brings in more customers and more revenue to the bar and the barrio in general. Look says Lil Java, these queens need to eat, buy makeup and clothing, footwear and so on, so all and all the whole hood benefits. As a matter of fact we are planning on adding an extra room to our bar for a clothing salon, where you can shop and drink at the same time.

Whatever you do raza don’t write or sing about your mama.

Friday, January 25, 2019

hejola report for 01252019.

Hejola report for 01252019


Kingsville, TX. Hi again I Bill Diaz con our award winning barrio headline news:

A riot breaks out at mall before LiL Red concern.

Charges are pending for ten persons busted at hotel.

And finally new bud cuts proposed for 2019/2020 barrio budget.

The proposal review committee for “La Raza a better way of life” submitted their recommends to the committee to review 2019 budget and a copy the 2020 budget committee on what areas of 2019/20 city budget cuts can be made to make our barrio better. Overall the La Raza suggested at least 240 programs needed to be cut an additional 241 new programs were recommended to be added those fiscal year budgets. No word from those committees on La Raza Recommendations. 

It seems that some fans just don’t know when to stop their careless ways of supporting their tejano stars. It seems that at least ten persons have been rounded up for the damages they did at the Barrio E-Lay motel/hotel holiday inn. It seems that these ten people had rented the bottom rooms from where Lil Red and her band were schedule to stay for the weekend. But the managers of the resort confirmed que these ten persons had made a hole in the ceiling right above where she was too staying. But not knowing how the second floor furniture was arranged the second floor caved in on those crazy fans on the bottom floor. Once los vato’s loco volunteer firefighters arrived they were able to rescue all ten fans from the underneath the second floor stuff that fell thru the floor. All ten were arrested. By the way Lil Red was not in her room, nor her band members.

It never fails says Gloria Guerra mall manager, every time we bring Lil Red and her four Mariachi dude there is always trouble that follows. It seems that at least 20 person got arrested while she was driving into the mall area. El constable and he barrio task force 666 sealed off the whole mall area until lil red left. The mall is closed for now due to some damages done by her fans. More details as they arrive.
Well raza there you have it and have a great day.
Look you cant act like an adult, dang  it stay home.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

hejola report for 01232019

Hejola report for 01232019.


Kingsville, Texas.hello I am Johnnie  el Quemon con today’s award winning barrio headline news.

Pancho masters the English language.

Barrio leaders can’t understand Murphy’s Law.

And finally some darn good news.

Today is a very important day for many barrio cat owners. They had been told that the city leaders including barrio leaders all agreed that a person in a household can only own a total of 15 cats. So if you have a very large family and each person in that family can owe up to 15 cats. So please make sure that if the animal control comes by your home and tries to remove your cats tell them to read the memo dated 01252001.

Juan Moore was accused of using a word that offended many people at the barrio town meeting. He wanted to explain to the barrio leaders that patching pot holes and not fixing the streets would sooner or late go wrong and would be cheaper to just close down the streets that can’t really be fixed. He point out that Murphy’s Law, would eventually kick in plus the leaders told him that they weren’t worried about then hoes’ anyhow, but in the end   Barrio leaders asked him to leave the meeting.

Yesterday afternoon el senor Pancho Pancho Pancho was so excited que he finally realized he had all wrong. You see Pancho for the longest time had it out for Presbyterians especially having their own cross walk. But after a few years studying English and the terms of words he realized que he had the word PEDESTRIAN mixed up with the word PRESBYTERIAN. Way to go Pancho.

Have a great Tejano day.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

hejola report for 01222019

hejola report for 01222019.


Kingsville.tx. Hello once again raza Como estan todos, I am Bill Diaz con today’s barrio headline news :

“Pancha del rancho Algeria” la tejana brand of clothing for that healthy commadre.

East side of the tracks city commission propose plans for this of west side barrio residents’ front lawns; cement front yards.

And finally, A new dating services has just open on this side of the track “Barrio Pen Pal services”, meet that hommie y homie you being looking for.

Just a few days ago raza a new dating services opened up in the hood. This new service will allow all you lonely tejano y tejanas a chance to meet some lucky barrio person. All you have to do is sending your picture and information you want to disclose and a check for $20. Made out to me. And you will get chingos de information about that special person. 

In other news, The East side of the tracks city commission proposes plans for west side barrio residents’ front lawns; cement front yards. That is the proposed city ordinate to be proposed at the next city election to be held sometime in 2025, hoping that the idiot that submit such a bs proposal either passed away or runned off. We feel that folks over there don’t care for their front lawns, we figured que we should force them to cement their front lawns, says one of the city fathers. Furthermore, that way those folks over on Westside can save the city some water. And will improve the value of their property, making ever home look like a doctor’s office parking lot, says Russell redneck a present city commissioner. (Just for the record Mr. redneck here is the one that wanted to regulate the making of tamales back in 1997, bringing on the tamale war of 1998). 

An finally a new clothing brand for tejanas has just opened its market here in our hood. La prima pancha has invested on making kinky clothes and going out wardrobes for those healthy commadres. The name of the new clothing is “Pancha del rancho alegria la tejana brand of clothing for that healthy commadre”. Again more coverage on this new store on our Westinghouse barrio newsletter con Gloria Guerra.

Ok raza got to go and keep warm and remember stay tejano.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

hejola report for 01172019.

Hejola report for 01172019.
Kingsville,tx. Hello folks how are we doing I am La China Cano de china Nuevo leon con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
More raza go to college.

Telephone lines are going down.

And finally, two get shot over the cowboy game.

Shots were fired, chingaso were thrown, and screaming and yelling could be heard always down the street after la familia Martinez y su primos got into an all out brawl Saturday night after the cowboy game. What sparked the fight, who knows says constable cadena, all we know is que we had to arrest at least 10 relatives and besides two getting shot, they were treated and send home from the barrio local health center. El constable will investigate the shooting but not the fight. No one was arrested but he is still looking for some vatos or persons that look like raza or need to be  arrested. 

It seems that our local telephone line phones company have decided to remove all telephone poles in the hood this coming year. Si says martin chapa the lineman for the county told us que there are very few people using line phones que it’s cheaper to remove them than keep the maintained on them. Oh by the way if you were wondering about the electric power will those lines are under ground. 

And finally, every day now we get calls from our local community college representative, telling us que the enrollment for this coming spring of 2019 is up 22 percent. There are many variables that have lead up to this increase on barrio folks returning or going to college. Here is a small list of why folks are going back to college;
Avoid the draft, free money if I can get in, my fall in love with a professor, borrow loans that I don’t pay back until 30 years or so, just get there and someone will help me and I can get a better job and career. Well for whatever reason you are using, stick with it and we are behind you bro. its never never too late to get an education..oh by the way the draft has now been used in more that 30 years.
I am la china cano de china nueva leon

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

hejola report for 01152019

hejola afternoon report for 01152019.


Kingsville, Texas, hi again I am Jonathon barrios con today’s award winning headline news:

Barrio continues to list banned substances for 2020..

Barrio social worker released and arrested again.

Chicken farm hired hit men.

And now some darn good news.

Well since we are getting ready to ban almost anything and everything that gives you a buzz, we recommend that you start jogging. There are several reasons why, it’s good for you and if you run far enough it’s a proven fact you can get buzz… dang.

Social worker Ben Casey Bueno was fired Monday morning, again, when it was reported that he had confronted barrio leaders on the banned substances presented to the public this week. He presented a list of his concerns that we as barrio leaders need to worry about, such as people just getting and doing the old fashioned but still legal way. An increase of beating their husbands and wives while heavily intoxicated, bothering their neighbors, neglecting their children, drinking in bars, getting home somehow and for sure an increase of DUI. Furthermore, His point out that all this substance regardless of legal or illegal, they all create an altered mindset. He believes that they should recall the list and let society abusing its self if they can afford it. He concludes that you can arrest us, charge us, jail us, and set us free. But remember that those that want to catch a buzz will find a way. (Please note editor’s note: arrest his stupid butt).

El constable cadena, along con barrio leaders made the Westside resident’s a list of banned substances for 2020. The list contented the usual suspects such as, marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. In addition it also warned residents about the usages Oxycodone, Percocet and Viagra which are prescriptions medications, and you must have a prescription to use. In addition to that there were several synthetic products that people who want to use were also listed.  Furthermore it was noted that men should stop wearing women used clothing and women should stop were the pants around the house! The barrio leaders are accepting comments on this new list for 2020 as soon as they can understand what else is listed on this ban for the hood.

And finally, this weekend it was announced that the new owner of Los Pollos del barrio has hired armed men to guard their farm. In several years you might recall que many of the former chicken owe trucks had been hit by terrorist, where many of its prize chickens made a getaway. Mr. Pollo tells us que every guard will have two arms, two feet, and two guns.

Ok raza that is all for today, Amen

Monday, January 14, 2019

candid interview con kristie villarreal 2009

candid interview con kristie villarreal 2009

Candid interview con Kristie Villarreal 2009Cchwnn. Somewhere in Victoria, TX. Hello again tejano fans, I am Blanca Blanch Blanco visiting with a darn good friend, Kristie Villarreal, probably the hardest working woman in la onda tejana. Just for the record, she’s a single mom raising two young children and working a third shift. What amazes us is that Kristie has set forth a music career, a dream she has been pursuing. This past October of 2008, she released her debut album, “La Misma Mujer”. Now lets get to that interview>
BBB: hello Kristie, how are you doing and how is the family?K: Hello my friend. The kiddos and I are doing well. Just staying busy trying to multitask everything going on with life and my music. Just trying to survive and continue on this musical journey.
BBB: since the last time we talked, you were real busy working on the releasing your debut album “ La Misma Mujer”, can you tell us how is that going?K: The album was released last yr and has been welcomed with open arms into the industry. I believe the industry is hungry for new artist, and new music. People with the drive to see their dream thru. If you would have asked me 2 yrs ago did I think I would have an album out and get the attention i garnered with my first single La Misma Mujer I would have said no. With no connections into the industry I set forth on this musical journey solo to prove to the world that God has blessed me with such a talent that needs to be shared with the world.
I love Tejano Music and wanted to make my own mark. Wanted to be able to tell my children that i set forth this goal to live out my dream and to let them know that anything is possible if you believe and never give up. God might not have opened up these doors for me when I wanted him to like 10 yrs ago but he has his own plan for me and my music and I trust him. Every musician out there knows it takes money to get out there and to promote and to push the album and I am doing what I can to do so. I wish i could do more right now to push the album out there more but the cool thing is that my music is speaking for itself. I continue to get nationwide airplay and continue to chart not only here but into Mexico. Not bad for a new girl on the block. I have made some promo appearances and have done some interviews. It is still very early on in the game and lots more still needs to fall into place as far as a band is concerned and finding the perfect management team to help take this to the next level. I have learned that patience is a virtue. Completing this debut album to introduce me to the industry was the first step.
BBB: I am sure you are very excited about how much coverage and air time you have been getting international how is that going?K: I am blessed that everyone continues to embrace my music. I appreciate all the dj's and radio stations here in the US and in Mexico who continue to spread my music. Fans and industry people continue to contact me wanting to know more about me. Recently I had a gentlemen from Mexico contact me. He is a DJ and had purchased the album and is spinning it and has had a great response. He is working on putting a program together promoting the Divas of Tejano Music. He had s great response from my music and wanted to include me in his program. It is awesome to know that my music is being embraced in all parts of Mexico as well. There is a big fan base of Tejano Music fans abroad. I have 4 different singles off my album charting on Tejanisimo Extreme right now out of Nuevo Leon, Mx. That totally rocks. Like I said, the music is speaking for itself.
BBB: do we have any plans on going to Mexico and do any performances there?K: I would love to travel into Mexico once everything starts to fall into place with a band and all.BBB: so what does the future look for Kristie in the music business?K: Only time will tell. I will continue on to persevere and continue on to fulfill this dream. I want to be a household name. Want people to know my voice. It is really up to the fans. They are the ones who make an artist successful. I am grateful for all the support I have received. BBB: please tell us how does it feel to be Kristi, and are we slowing down at all?K: I am a normal person trying to survive, work, raise my kiddos and live out this dream. I am above no one and never will be. I am just me. Don't want to be that artist who will one day blow up and forget where they came from. That is real talk. I am humble and will remain this way. I may come off as conceited in a way the way I talk but I am not like that at all. I am a determined individual and will not let anything or anyone get in the way of me fulfilling my dream. If you don't believe in yourself then how do you expect your fans to? Confidence is sexy...loll!BBB: so sister how does the future look for you?K: Well there will be an addition to my family in September. That's all I have to say about that..Lol. Like I told everyone on my MySpace page autographs are free at Fan Fair but rubbing my belly will cost you. I am the Tejano Super mama...where's my cape damit.BBB: and finally Kristi, what would you like to share with your fans on about your career?K: If you believe it you can achieve it. I am living proof. I have blogged every step of the way on this musical journey up till now on my MySpace page. You want to know more check out my archives. They are pretty funny and entertaining. It is all real talk. I wanted my fans to be able to experience this journey every step of the way. Be sure to add me if you have not already.www. MySpace. com/krisvillarrealOk there we have, and like our friend Kristi says” It was a dream I set out to accomplish, and two years later I did, even as a full-time parent with a full-time Job”, I am Blanca Blanch Blanco, dreams do come through

Thursday, January 10, 2019

hejola report for 01102019

Hejola report for 01102019.
Kingsville,tx. Hello raza and we are back from that three week vacation and sure glad its over. Now for our award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio falls into fiscal cliff for 2033.
New Year’s first 33 babies. 
And finally new year’s resolution, again. 
As we have stated for the past 9 years that if you are not honest with yourself you should not even plan on... making such a promise. Now if you want to feel good and what to make some changes in your life you might want to concern lent, now lent is only for 40 days and nights. Now that more realistic. 

It was a recording setting event this pasted Monday as the clock clicked 12 midnight bringing in the New Year. At least 25 families held their ground on trying to be honor as giving birth to the first child in 2013. But the funny party is that all this families held tight until the midnight, than 33 babies were declared as first born in the county. The prize of $100, will be divided by the 25 families. Alright raza.

Barrio members are preparing themselves for the worse to come in 2019. After barrio and city and county and state leaders failed to act on a budget resolution has force barrio members to dig deep into their savings. In addition some barrio members are eating their reserves food saved for harder times. Some barrio members are hurting real bad and might be forces to eat their pets, family members and stop drinking and smoking and other odd things barrio members do. 
Ok raza have a great day and god bless America