Wednesday, May 1, 2019

hejola report for 05012019

Hejola report for 05012019.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio talking parrot brought in again for Questioning:
It seems that constable and his staff might have arrested the wrong parrot who alarmed his owners about a drug raid. Now it seem that the real bird that finger its owner was not the parrot they brought in by the investigators. Instead the original parrot 1 told them that Higo parrot 2, the second parrot, was the one that spilled the beans on their own, and alerted that the cops were coming, and he had nothing to do with this crime, but just so happened he was in the wrong cage at the wrong time (sure). The parrot 1 told them that the only thing he knows about this whole thing is “Peter wants a cracker” no but a short shave! Ok veto……

Two vatos arrested for !!!!
Yesterday at the corner of third and wells two vatos were arrested for !!!!!, the police report didn’t really tell us what!!!! Was, but it made a point that it was a crime to !!!! The police report further states that there has been increase of!!! And were planning a barrio cracked on such activities. What the!!!!

And finally barrio laundry mat burned to the ground:

Yesterday around 5 am in the morning the barrio vato’s locos volunteer fire fighters didn’t respond to a 1  ½ Alarm fire around the corner of third and wells, where someone set on fire the only hand wasted laundry mat, it seems que someone started the fire where all the wooden laundry hand wash boards were set on fire. The vatos didn’t respond to the fire due the protest they are having against el barrio leader Tomas Trumpas, who  made fun of them when he said que their union was a bunch of drug addicts and smoke weed and a lot of other stuff. The barrio vato’s loco leaders told us que he was right about all the above for expectation of doing a lot of other stuff!
Charges will be filed against someone says el constable who by the way was at the firehouse at the time of the 918 call.

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