Monday, May 13, 2019

hejola report for 05132019

Hejola report for 05132019.
Kingsville, texas, now with our economics Johhnie el quemon, hello high spender are we ready for our award winning barrio news:

Barrio tariff is on; east side vs Westside;
Yesterday both sides of the tracks were very very very surprise to see newly placed barrio toll booths on our west side wide roads coming from the east of the tracks. This something that was drawn up late last week on a ten day drunk run by our barrio leader the barrio Moron, Thomas Turmpas, says that he thinks it’s the best idea since the inventor of a vacuum cleaner which he had something to do with (yea right). Trumps said that he had a vision one night on how to increase the income the wide side can make and by placing them toll booths it promises an annual gain of about $150. A day (based on the number of cars that go and come back from the east side).
Barrio block roads in protest of Toll fees;
After the toll booths were placed a hand full of 5 persons decided to take the law under their own hands by blocking all the exists going to Eastside. Look says the new no toll road groups we all work over there and have to come back to the hood, so the fees would only really hurt the folks on this side that go to that side. The question came up is why anyone would want to come over here! If you didn’t already live here.
And finally new ideas just plain old ideas;
When you think you have a new idea but realized it’s just an old idea was what was happening here on Westside, you see there hasn’t been a new idea since 1956 and that same idea is still an idea and has not been worked out yet. This new idea was an old idea that many talked about around the time the first idea came up with. So many figured que since it was just an idea than it might just work now as a new idea. the final result was that no one really had a new idea but a bunch of ideas.
Ok raza whatever you do don’t get an ideas;

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