Tuesday, January 28, 2020

barrio headline news for 01282019

Barrio headline news for 01282020.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news;
Gambling at senior home raided and busted;
Its one thing to raid a place but it’s a different thing to bust the place. You ask what the differences is. Well this was the case late last night, when this very issue came up when the barrio 666 security forces visited the Barrio Adult day care at the corner of third and Wells Street. In the first place the raided actually was a false raid due to the fact that they were playing bingo and the winnings were homemade hand crafts. But during the raid several seniors were busted for smoking weed, crack and other stuff not prescript by their doctors. Charges will be filed against them loco adults and the center staff.
Barrio leader daughter and family members honored;
Tomas Trumps and his daughter la princess del barrio  and his three sons referred as the three stooges, beto, homer, and chuy were all honored as the most ridiculous  persons ever lived in the hood by the Stupid People Club in the Hood. The president of the club told us que there were honored que this pendejos showed up for the award. Oh by the way the award is a clown outfit, with the printed statement “ I’m stupider that chit”. Los Trumpas left the center without saying goodbye!
And finally barrio budget lower than lowest ever;
Barrio tax collector told us que since its moron Tomas Trumpas and his clan were elected the barrio budge has almost disappeared from previous years. The collector told us que they were trying to see how in the world they were going to keep the barrio budget in black and out of the red it finds its self now. Several suggestions were mention, like for example charging a tax for folks and farm animals and pets to vote and walk the streets after midnight and other activities.

Ok raza believe me stay indoors and don’t go outside, you might get charged, Good Day.

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