Thursday, January 30, 2020

barrio headline news for 01302020

Barrio headline news for 01302020.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello again Raza, I am General Fideo Vermicelli con today’s award winning barrio headline news;
Nopalitos virus on the loose;
Yesterday evening el barrio health inspector told us que the outbreak of eating Nopalitos virus is on the loose in the hood and barrio members should wash them very carefully and boiled right. So of the side effects are farting, runs, and a whole lot of other things can happen to you if you don’t cook them right.

Large number of relatives fired from the city and county jobs:
El barrio elected council members decided they had enough of el barrio leader not following the law of the land. And in doing so the following relatives to el barrio leader Tomas Trumpas were fired:
Barrio dog catcher.
3 barrio street repair workers.
2 barrio police man and 1 constable assistant.
7 barrio health center employees.
6 barrio park staff.
2 barrio horses owned by Trumpas.
3 barrio police dogs owned by trumpas.
7 barrio cats owned by trumpas daughter.
His Daughter, his brother, 2 of his sons, and 10 relatives to el barrio leader all were giving walking papers this morning.
And finally barrio opens a chit load of new jobs;
Barrio man that keeps count of jobs and other stuff like that announced this morning que they had just created a ton of new jobs for the barrio, city and county and that Trumpas had promised to low the unemployment rate this year. Well we can easily say that he has done what he promised to do in creating new jobs. Here are a list of the new jobs created by our great Barrio leader Tomas Trumpas;
Dog catcher, street repair workers, several police jobs and constable assistances, health center jobs, park jobs, and a few new positions for farm animals and pets. Contact the barrio court house for more details
Work work work…come 

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