hejola report for week 03202012.
Kingsville, tx. Hello once again raza como estan, I am bill
diaz. Well we are almost at the end of this month. A few announcements we have
to share with you, we are still waiting for some great interviews to come back
to us. So be looking for that. Now for the barrio headline news:
Final comments on ‘hey cowboy ‘ a gay cowboy movie. By
veronica Lebanese’s,
This year’s recycle cans are lower than last years t , need
your help!
And new barrio leaders call for unity from all the hoods in
the hood.
‘Hey cowboy: Special investigation con Veronica Lebanese’s,
Si Como estan todos, oh my, oh my girl, are we ready for
some darn good investigating reporting on my part. First of all, my report is a
spin off from that cowboy movie; yea that’s one about the queer or gay vato's
dressed like cowboys. Now before you delete me from anywhere, lets really talk
about it like real adults, yes, men and men, women y women and so on. I am sure
que what I will report is nothing new news but old news to many of us that love
to heard all sorts of news. Come on.
Our main concern is what is this movie going to do to los
compadres who love to look like cowboys and and what is it going to do for the
western wear economy? Well I ask what do you think?
Can you real take a real cowboy to this movie with you? Come
on, can you? If you are old school it’s the modern day-midnight cowboy into the
future. Pero con real cowboys. Hejola.
So vato the next time que you go to that tejano bar y dress
in that little cowboy outfit que you like, be very careful, somebody is
watching you, now back to Bill.
Wow what a great story veronica, now in other news,
Los vato locos volunteer fire fighters announced today que
they were several pounds short of meeting this year’s recycle cans goals. As
you might already know this will be our tenth year barrio Easter recycle can
hunt. This is where we go out and hind cans so children can learn about
recycling. Organizers tell us que in order to make it happen we need your cans.
If you are interested in donating cans, You can leave your Cans or you can be
dropped off at our community center where it says drop cans here if you can
reach the drop door.
And finally, a new barrio leaders call for unity from all
the hoods in the hood. It seems que ESTA VATO LOCO, new elected barrio
representatives is for real and going to do something for our hood. Great job
raza. Since major election time is just around the corner make sure an vote. I
am bill diaz for cchwnn.
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