Thursday, March 22, 2012

wesdtside warrior news network for 03222012

Westside warrior news network for 03222012.


Kingsville,tx. What is happening hot lips, its lewis mojo lewis, with today’s barrio award winning headline news.

Soul brother I’ll be back arrested.

Leader of vato’s loco volunteer firefighter asked to move.

And finally barrio robber gets run over.

Byron Secrest Ruiz, 42, decided to run from his car, rather than be apprehended at the corner of third and wells when he ran a red blinking light.  El constable, once a high school miler, 30 years ago today, chased him on foot. As the constable wandering around looking for Ruiz, Wally Ramon, a barrio milkman delivery man, walked by and got inside his delivery truck and drove off and ran over the body of Ruiz, who was level to the ground underneath the delivery truck. Mr. ruiz was rushed to the St. paul’s medical center and later across the tracks to a real hospital. Charges are pending.

It seems que el loco Arthur Flores, chief of the vato’s loco volunteer firefighters was asked to move himself and his wife and his seven dogs from the el barrio community center, where the volunteer are located or it was going to shut down the upstairs rooms where he had taken his residence. The chairman of el barrio community center told this reporter que we didn’t mind it for awhile, but it’s been years now and he said he would move out in a few days, seven years ago.  There is a different between sleeping in the center and living in the center. Charges are pending.

In other news, It seems that little Joe Barrera just couldn’t take no for answer. That seemed to be the case when he tried to rob El Centro fruit stand Monday morning when the only employee, Pedro whatshisname, told little joe que they didn’t have any money till later in the day. Well no shit little Joe decided to come back around 5:p.m. when el constable was waiting for him. He was arrested for attempted robbery.

Well there you have it raza, we are on spring break and will be back next week. Counting down towards tejano roots. It wont be our year, it never is.

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