Monday, February 11, 2013

barrio stock market report for 02082013

Barrio stock market report for 02082013.


Kingsville,tx. Hello como estan I am Francisco pancho lopez sitting in for urbano yosabatodo con today’s barrio stock market. Well well, I see lots of income tax refunds coming in. what does this all mean? It really means que we got money to spend on chieez we don’t need.

Now let’s get to that report.

Las empanadas remain stable at $.89 cent each this week.

Los taquitos up another notch $1.30  each, coffee is extra.

Las tortillas for this week: corn up a bit $1.35 a dozen. Flour up a whole lot $1.65 a pack.

Los tamales end the week at the near to the lowest this year $6.00 a dozen.

Cheap beer is not cheap but went down a bit, ended the week at $2.95 a six pack.

Barbacoba de cabeca $6.50 a lb. Llama $2.50 a lb. remain stable.


Barrio want ads:

#56287: used computers for sale, don’t really know what’s wrong with them, make offer for 10 of them.

#4578: giant mirrors and a few small ones for sale. Came from a stripe bar, also ten foot pole. Make an offer for mirrors. The pole is extra and you have to remove it for the ceiling that came with it.

# 5684: still looking for move in maiden, will provide French outfit that comes con the deal. Must be willing to stay overnight.

#9890: twenty pounds of feathers for sale. Once belonged to famous tejana singer. Make offer for all the feathers.

#7865:  eight chickens, ten ducks, two hens, three small pet rats, nine Easter rabbits, and a few little animals that we really don’t know what they are for sale. All in good health, a few exception. Make offer, will deliver within two blocks.


Barrio realtors report:

The corner of wells and third has moved to the corner once known as 8th and Kleberg street. Anyone living along these street must contact your barrio representatives for more information on how to get your mail.
Ok see you later and have a great day.

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