Wednesday, March 9, 2016

hejola specail pre Easter report for 03092016.

Hejola special Easter report for 03092016.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again I am Veronica La Lesbian con our pre-special Easter report for 03092016.

Recycle Easter hunt could be a huge success.

Another  Gay Tejano bar ready for Easter.

And finally some darn good Easter news.

We all have good days and some better days, but this year we will try to make it a happy Easter to all our followers and we are hoping que Jack the Giant Rabbits come by this year and brings you what you want for Easter. Now with that in mind how much should a person really spend on Easter? Since its just one of many reasons to spend that hard earned money, you tell me?

Late last night Arnold Moore Perez the owner of the newly open Tejano gay named “Ride Them”  bar announced que anyone dress like a fairy, bunny, and even a playboy bunny, and a playgirl bunny would drink for free for about ten minutes after that all drinks will be half prices. In addition anyone dress like a Tejano bunny would drink free, and that meant even if they weren’t Tejano want to be. But don’t worry be happy,!

And finally, This year’s el barrio community center has big plans for  its annual Recycle Easter Can Hunt,I in which we all can make it a great success, says el barrio person in charge of the center. We will have over 150 children under the age 20 and plan on having  over 300 persons older than 21 showed up for this year’s hunt. We are just hoping que we can get that many recycle can collected in time.

Ok raza have a great Tejano gay day and for those gringitos refusing to admit que they want to be Tejano and not mexican, stay drunk and stay home and don’t say nothing for a while.

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