Hejola report for 11302106.
Kingsville, Texas,
hello I am Bill Diaz with the number one barrio news network, which I am very
proud to be member of this team. Now for our award winning barrio news:
Constable ends riot
at t-ball game.
Pansasos and
pandemonium at the tee ball game.
And some real good
Now that the tamale
season is just around the corner, lots of animal advocates ar...e a bit worried
along with the barrio animal control que lots of pets have been showing up
missing on that Barrio Woof Woof missing pets on our barrio face book. The
constable has instructed his staff and los vato’s loco volunteer firefighters
to keep an eye open for anything or anyone that don’t look normal.
Today el constable
gave out the names and address of those folks who started a riot and were
arrested at a tee ball game. The constable pointed out that this type of action
and parents acting like little kids just don’t cut it. We have arrest warrants
out for some of these parents, and believe me I am going to bust them.
And finally, Base on
the report it all started when an unknown man verbally insulted and accused a
kid of wearing stolen tee ball gear. Juana Chavez mother of child along with
her muffin top confronted the suspect and the lonja grabbing began, pushing and
punches were exchanged among the parents until constable cadena had to arrest
several of the parents, three tee baller’s and several cats and dogs were all
haul to jail. Charges are pending. Oh by the way, Juana and her lonjas are
okay. Suspect still at large says el constable.Ok folks thanks again and hope
to hear from me real soon, I am Mmmaria Malone, good day.
Oh by the way how about them cowboys!!!
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