Hejola afternoon report for 05302018.
Kingsville, Texas, hello raza how are doing this nice afternoon
, I am Maria La vandia con this afternoon award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio gun control
under sieges or something like that....
Barrio man wins law suit con disable
And now some darn good
Voter’s this year will be required to write their id’s on top of their fore head if they are planning on vote, reason is so barrio leaders can tell the differences between your butt and your face. Dang.
Yesterday we got word que the law suit filed by el compadre
Daniel Perez had been giving approval and that certain restaurant and public
places have to comply within a year. The law suit stated que handicap toilets
were too high for handicap never the less regular people. You see he point out
that you would have to be at least 6 foot tall in order to sit on handicap
toilet and have your feet on the ground. By winning the lawsuit it is going to
demand que all toilets sits not too be talker than two feet tall so short
people could have contact with solid ground when they used them. All right
And finally if you can’t read what is written
than you can’t read, that was the main issues yesterday when a group called
TON, leader Maria Anderson Molina (325) and Susana Green Munoz (256) and their
smaller sister April Jackson Tellez (245) were arrested at the corner of third
and wells along con some of their ton friends, after they were told que their
protest permit was for next weekend and not this weekend. They were going to
protest barrio leaders or anyone telling them when and when not they can carry
their guns in public. But the constable pointed out that their permit was for a
protest on new barrio ban on Tongs not guns schedule for May 2033.
Now have a great Tejano afternoon.
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