Monday, June 11, 2012

hejola report for 06112012

Hejola report for 06112012.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again bill diaz con our award winning barrio headline news. The only barrio network with real news and not cut and paste. Now our headline news:

Barrio elections heat up.

Ten reasons why you don’t understand barrio elections.

And finally, good news for folks living at the corner of third and wells.

After a close call a barrio leader took it on his own and put a street sign stating que “ no honking during the night hours”. It seems que they were tired of folks coming to the corner of third and wells late at night and just honking their horns. The city is looking into why folks were honking at this corner. But for the mean time the sign was removed and a new sign was placed by the city stating  “ if you plan on honking do it between the hours of 8am to 5pm”.

After a close look at yesterday’s debate between los locos, we determine que there were at least ten reasons why many won’t understand;

1.     Not enough time to read the fine print.

2.     Esta loco.

3.     Estan locos.

4.     It takes two to understand what tres didn’t.

5.     Why vote they all lie.

6.     So you married to a chick from across the tracks and now you’re a big shot.

7.     Don’t have clue.

8.     Then don’t mean what they said.

9.     Where all the freebies.

10.                        I don’t vote, I get even.

Take it from there.

AND  finally, Yesterday a debate was held between el loco, a raza living on the other side of the tracks married to Mr. somebody daughter y esta vato loco our own barrio leader. Both loco’s talked about lots of things that were real important but one loco told the other loco que estaba  loco because he didn’t believe que esta vato loco really meant what he said, nevertheless understood what position he was  running for. Both locos were told to chilly out and stay with the program. Another debate will be held in two weeks.

Ok there you have it .

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