Special flag day report: words you don’t understand, 2012. Cchwnn. Kingsville,tx. Hi Urbano Yosabatodo con this special flag day report. You know learning how to read and write can be a very large challenge, even the very old can learn from this. As you might already tell we didn’t learn how to read and write till the age of 32. The main issue here was understanding what words mean and then getting an idea on how to spell them. Here is one fine example: for the longest time I hated certain religions, how in the world could certain religions have a strong hold on our daily lives. This did not just occur once in awhile but almost every day for at least ten years. You see when we lived in the big city, back then we learned at a very young age to use the cross walk to get to the other side. But once in awhile we would run across Presbyterian crossing. Now here is where it all started, how in the world could Presbyterian’s have their own cross walks. So for years we learned not to use the cross walk because we weren’t Presbyterians. So one day in class we were taught a word that looked like Presbyterian but instead was pedestrian. Now we understood how wrong could we be? Real wrong. It was Pedestrian crossing and not Presbyterian crossing. So that brings us to our main concerning and that is Flag day. Here again we were hit with a big dilemma. Now it might sound awful but many in the hood thought it was fag day. So for some reason or another, the whole fag community were bouncing around the hood day proud of who they are and what they stand for. So raza for those who can’t read have a great fag day and for those who can read, fly your flag high and proud. And that’ s the rest of the story.
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