Tuesday, August 4, 2015

hejola report for 08042015.

 Hejola report for 08042015.


Kingsville, Texas. Hello again, y como estan todos. Well I am bill Diaz and was it a crazy weekend. You know youth baseball can be bad for our health and also very dangerous. Now let’s get down to our barrio headline news:


 Several arrested at youth t-ball game.


Two coaches strap it on at another t-ball game,


And domestic problems hamper youth t-ball games.


 It seems que el commpadre just can’t get over la commander dating another vato. Yesterday afternoon at our barrio youth t-ball game el compadre hector Cantu, attacked el primo George g Cantu after he saw his ex-wife to be con esta George. Somehow and from somewhere el commpadre must have found a tee-ball stand and he hit el primo hector over the head with it, and with the same swing he managed to knock out la commadre also.

Before he, el commpadre knew it; there were at least seven parents on our commadre who suffered several blows to his head and some cuts and bruises on his legs and hits from all the folks wanting to kick his rear end. Before you know they had el commpadre pinned down on the third base line waiting to for the cops to arrive. After it was over, el commpadre was rushed to el hospital where he was being observed. After a few hours, the pre medics claimed que he also suffered a heart attack. El constable Cadena will not file charges against el compadre claiming que he already is suffered enough. Oh by the way la commadre was taken to our St. Paul’s medical center for observation, but will be ok.


At the same time at another field its seems que you can’t put two coaches together and coach one team. Well that’s the case of these two vatos trying to save money on the entry fee. Joe Perez y martin Cruz agreed to put both of their seasonal teams together to make one team for this special tournament. Well for some reason or another at the bottom of the third inning out of nowhere the umpire had to call time and the cops due to the fact  que Mr. Perez y Mr. Cruz were strapping it on inside the dugout. Before things got under control at least 15 parents had to jump in and stop the fight inside the dugout. By the time el constable Cadena could answer the call, the fight had already been broken up and some of the parents had left the field with their children. The two coaches were picked up this morning and were arrested for fighting at a public park. Oh by the way both coaches have been removed and banned for coaching again tball for at least five long years.



And finally, two parents were arrested after one parent was yelling at another parent from the bleachers. Befoe you knew it, the both were strapping it on underneath the bleachers. While several parents were screaming and yelling at them to stop. Before anyone knew there were people throwing rocks and stuff at both parents. Again el constable Cadena did not make it on time to stop this fight. Both parents were restrained until el constable got there and were arrested.

Ok raza if you can’t control  yourself as a parent maybe you should stay in your car or truck and don’t make any waves.

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